Why are Mainland China’s New Marriage and Fertility Data Making the Chinese Communist Party Fearful?

Recently, a Chinese person posted on a social media platform in the United States revealing two pieces of data related to marriage and childbirth that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) fears.

Regarding marriage data, a post with an accompanying picture stated, “Sichuan announced that on May 20 this year, 14,771 couples registered for marriage, an increase of 13.4% from the same day last year. However, netizens found that over 16,000 couples were announced to have registered for marriage on May 20 last year. Currently, this Weibo post has been edited and selected for comments.” This indicates that the relevant department is well aware that they are deceiving people, and they are also aware that others will discover their deception, yet they continue to deceive in different ways.

As for childbirth data, another post with a picture stated, “On May 22, a chart reporting the number of births in the first quarter of 2024 in Chengnan Street, Tianxin District, Changsha City, has been circulating on the internet. The chart shows that in the first quarter of 2024, only 17 people were reported born in this street, including 11 first-borns, 5 second-borns, and 1 third-born. Interface News verified the content on the website of the Tianxin District People’s Government in Changsha City and found that the chart is accurate. However, as of now, this data has been deleted.” Once the data is deleted, if someone within China tries to expose it again, they may be labeled as “rumormongers” by the CCP and face severe repercussions.

Nowadays, young people in various countries around the world seem to have a trend and signs of reluctance towards marriage and childbirth. If the marriage and childbirth rate in China is so low, is it not even worse than South Korea’s rock bottom? In January of this year, experts in China exposed South Korea’s marriage and childbirth data within the country, stating that the fertility rate had “declined to 0.72 in 2023, a further decrease of 0.06 from 2022,” and the marriage rate had decreased from the peak of 10.6‰ in 1980 to 3.7‰ in 2022. Since South Korea is the “only country in the world with a fertility rate below 1,” and China’s (self-proclaimed) fertility rate is not below 1, why does China feel ashamed and try to conceal its data in this way?

The underlying reasons clearly expose the lack of confidence within the CCP. In the eyes of the CCP with a fragile ego, losing the demographic dividend is a shameful matter. Previously, by relying on a vast population of cheap labor, they attracted foreign investment and businesses, reaping profits without having to do much. As industries from European and American countries gradually established roots in China, the CCP was able to boast worldwide for a long time, flaunting that “foreign companies cannot do without the Chinese market.” With the advantage of a large population, the CCP started to raise prices. From building rents to employee salaries, as long as foreign companies are not deterred by the costs, the CCP can continue to exploit the labor of workers in the manufacturing industry. Now, as the young and capable generation collectively chooses to lie low, refusing to provide dividends for the CCP, there are no profits to gain internally, and their external image is tarnished; the dream is fading, causing the CCP to break out in a cold sweat.

Talking about no profits to gain, it is surely not a trivial matter for the CCP. For decades, the CCP has accumulated wealth by exploiting its people. If the leeks grow slowly, it might give them a glimmer of hope, but without leeks to exploit, they are at risk of shutdown and collapse at any time. Once this regime can no longer exploit the people for their sweat and toil, officials realize that they hold power but have no wealth to accumulate. Before the common people revolt, there may be individuals within the system who lead the effort to overturn the table.

If Chinese people choose not to marry or bear children, not only will it cut off the CCP’s source of income, but it will also expose the evils they try so hard to hide and reveal the true face of this devil to more people.

In reality, under the rule of the CCP, young people are not just avoiding marriage and childbirth; their focus is on being the “Ten-Nots Youth.” In a “Ten-Nots” list compiled by mainland Chinese netizens, not getting married and not having children rank third and fourth, with not donating blood and not making donations taking the top two spots.

In mainland China, blood donation and donations have become two of the many Ponzi schemes carefully crafted by the CCP for young people. Just the cases of AIDS infection through blood transfusions, the scandal of Guo Meimei and the Red Cross embezzling donations in various forms are enough to expose the CCP’s hidden agenda of hypocrisy. As a result, since it is hard to pinpoint when this started, whenever the authorities promote some “good deed,” it immediately triggers a wave of skepticism among the youth.

Furthermore, among the “Ten-Nots,” there is also not buying a house, not buying lottery tickets, not investing in the stock market, not buying funds, not supporting the elderly, and not getting moved emotionally. In essence, the youth do not want to be deceived or conned anymore. China is the domain of the Communist Party, and not an inch of land truly belongs to the common people. Every sector is to some extent invaded and divided by the CCP elites, and everyone living outside the red family circle can only be used and exploited by the tyranny, even their descendants are to be used as “human mines.” As for real estate, the stock market, funds, financial planning, national debt, they are all essentially traps carefully set by the CCP for fleecing leeks, and there is always a version suitable for those ignorant enough to believe that the strong national power can provide opportunities for the common people to prosper.

After utilizing power to carry out fraud and plunder, the CCP immediately seizes the narrative and stands on the moral high ground and legalities, ready to bring out prepared scapegoats. As long as they can continue the brainwashing melodrama of emotions, the CCP can fabricate even more ludicrous stories.

Under the CCP’s rule, young people live with a sense of exhaustion, because even the elderly, who should be kind and benevolent, have become cunning. Many of the elderly turning bad is also due to the CCP’s failure to adequately support them or provide them with the most basic living security. The CCP has thrived through deceit, plunder, and current dominance, and there’s a possibility that those with ill intentions will view it as an example. In reality, more than just the elderly, the civilianized scams are not limited to the practice of “setting up ceramics.”

The young people loudly proclaim the “Ten-Nots,” showcasing the CCP’s true nature of deceit. However, for the CCP, which is in power, “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” no matter how fake, cannot be removed. Therefore, it must do its utmost to maintain its “moral high ground.”

How can the self-proclaimed “great, glorious, and correct” CCP allow the people under its rule to view them as rogues, bandits, cheats, and executioners of live organ harvesting? However, deep down, they know that admitting wrongdoing or faults would only hasten their collapse and downfall. Thus, they keep their rogue actions hidden, refuse to acknowledge the deception, scamming, and murder they commit. These days, even one misstep could be their undoing, and a less than satisfactory birth rate or marriage rate might be one of the straws that break the camel’s back. The issue is, even with such caution, can the CCP hold on for a few more days?