Taiwan Parliament’s Power Reform Sparks Controversy, Nationwide Anti-Reform Protests联

The Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China continued its review of the empowerment bills proposed by the Kuomintang (KMT, blue) and the People First Party (PFP, white) today. Civil groups and citizens have launched the “I Despise the Parliament” nationwide protest activities, with demonstrations taking place in Taipei, Taichung, Nantou, Changhua, Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taitung, Hualien, and other places.

The Legislative Yuan is considering forcibly passing four bills proposed by the blue and white parties, including the Law on the Exercise of Legislative Powers. On the 18th, the National Lawyers Association issued a statement calling on legislators to engage in substantive discussions and deliberations, not to undermine the operation of democratic constitutionalism for partisan interests. On the 21st, the proposed parliament powers exercise law amendment by the blue and white parties passed the second reading. Outside the venue, 40 civic groups gathered and put forward five major demands, calling for the bill to be sent back to the committee for review. By 9:10 pm that day, the organizers announced that the number of protesters on-site had reached 30,000. The organizers expressed gratitude to those who care about democracy and called for further protests on the 24th and 28th.

The Legislative Yuan of Taiwan continued its examination of the blue and white proposed amendments related to parliamentary powers today. KMT legislators arrived at the gates of the chamber at 5:30 in the morning and collaborated with PFP legislators to guard the entrance. When the chamber opened at 7 am, the blue and white party members crowded in front of the chamber, waiting to occupy the chairman’s podium, with DPP members queuing up to enter afterward. After entering the chamber, legislators from all parties posted various banners expressing their positions and demands.

Outside the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan, Qingdao East Road was blocked early in the morning. Civil groups continued their “I Despise the Parliament” actions today, calling for a halt to the vote and substantive review. Many people braved the rain early in the morning to flood into Qingdao East Road, holding banners saying “Against backroom deals, demand democracy” and “No discussion, no democracy” to express their demands. As of 3:20 pm, Qingdao East Road and Jīnán Road were filled with crowds, with the organizers announcing that the on-site attendance had exceeded 20,000.

DPP caucus convener Ker Chien-ming said during the Legislative Yuan meeting that KMT legislators were undermining the constitution, causing chaos in governance, expanding parliamentary powers while claiming to be advocating for parliamentary reform. He emphasized that the parliament has sounded the death knell and has been put under martial law by the Communist Party leader, Xi Jinping. Both the KMT and the PFP are historical criminals.

In response, KMT legislators retorted with slogans like “DPP can’t accept defeat” and “Parliament needs reform.” The KMT legislative caucus criticized the DPP caucus in the morning for delaying proceedings through various means, preventing the smooth passage of parliamentary reform bills.

To expedite the review process, the blue and white parties jointly proposed to refer all matters except the first case to the Procedures Committee for accelerated review. The DPP resorted to a roll-call vote and repeated votes, sending all bills back for review, delaying proceedings, and demanding the bills be sent back for reexamination.

As the Legislative Yuan session approached noon, Legislative Yuan President Han Kuo-yu announced a recess and then resumed the meeting at 1:30 pm. In the afternoon, DPP legislators changed into black clothing, with slogans saying “Against backroom deals, against expanding powers,” resonating with the actions of protesters in Hong Kong wearing black during the anti-extradition bill protests against Chinese Communist infiltration.

Today, civil groups and citizens across Taiwan launched the “I Despise the Parliament” nationwide coordinated activities, including protests outside the Taipei Legislative Yuan and demonstrations in Taichung, Nantou, Changhua, Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taitung, and Hualien.

The Taiwan-based Progressive Party held a “Anti-Parliamentary Abuse, Southern Gathering” event in front of the KMT Kaohsiung City Office on the 23rd, attracting hundreds of people. One of the “Four Gentlemen Rally Against Han” members, Yin Li, said that the Communist Party is conducting military exercises aimed at Taiwan, surrounding the entire island. The KMT and the PFP are cooperating with the Communist Party to create chaos within Taiwan. “This bill has not been discussed at the committee level, which is a serious violation of democracy and human rights.”

Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party’s military exercises around Taiwan entered the second day today, with Taiwan’s army, navy, and air forces on full alert. The joint Exercise “Combined Sword—2024A” conducted by the PLA commenced from 7:45 am on the 23rd in Taiwan and surrounding areas.