Woman in the United States Claims to Have Survived a Near-Death Lightning Strike and Gained Ability to Predict the Future

A woman in the United States has shared her near-death experience from many years ago when she was struck by lightning and came face to face with deceased relatives who imparted to her future events that would unfold. Upon returning to the earthly realm, she found herself having prophetic nightmares in her dreams, all depicting disastrous incidents.

Elizabeth Krohn recently spoke about her experience on the podcast show “Shaman Oaks,” which delves into topics such as near-death experiences and life and death discussions.

Krohn first recounted her near-death encounter, mentioning how about 35 years ago, while taking her two children to a Jewish synagogue, a thunderstorm had broken out. As she walked with an umbrella in the rain, her wedding ring touched the umbrella’s handle, and in a sudden moment, she was struck by lightning and appeared to have passed away.

She recalled her soul leaving her body and realizing she was lying in the parking lot of the synagogue. Looking down at her feet, she noticed she was floating mid-air, distanced from the ground where her umbrella had fallen about 20 feet away.

After a while, a floating orb of light led her to a heavenly garden, unlike any on Earth, with plants blooming in vibrant, indescribable colors. In this garden, she met her deceased grandfather and engaged in a lengthy conversation with him. He informed her of the option to stay there or return to the living world, guiding her decision-making through answering her questions.

She learned that choosing to return to the Earth would entail having another child and divorcing her husband – information she decided to act upon despite her grandfather’s warning that the process of returning would be painful. He also divulged some significant future events, including the outcome of a Super Bowl game that year and George H. Bush’s presidency.

Krohn admitted her disinterest in politics but questioned her grandfather’s motive in disclosing these events. His response was that upon witnessing the Super Bowl winner or George H. Bush’s election, those memories would be revived.

Upon returning to life, Krohn spent months in bed due to her lightning-struck feet causing severe burns, during which she slept a lot. It was during this time of sleep that she experienced numerous prophetic dreams.

She recalled these dreams as vivid and detailed, all manifested as nightmares depicting horrifying incidents like terror attacks, tsunamis, earthquakes, and plane crashes. One of these nightmares, the Trans World Airlines Flight 800 crash in 1996, particularly haunted her as she knew details such as the flight number and passenger count.

These prophetic dreams remained vivid over time, leaving Krohn struggling to cope with the burden they imposed on her life. As her grandfather had warned, she eventually ended up divorcing her husband.

For years, Krohn kept her near-death experience and prophetic dreams to herself, without discussing them openly. However, upon starting to share these nightmares publicly, their frequency diminished, easing her burden significantly.

She expressed certainty that talking about her experiences played a crucial role in alleviating her struggles, highlighting the importance of open discussion about such phenomena.

When asked what she hopes people would learn from her journey, Krohn emphasized the significance of the existence of consciousness after death.