Childcare fees in these states in the United States are twice as high as rent.

Childcare costs are known to be expensive, and in some states in the United States, families with multiple children are required to pay childcare fees at least double the cost of rent.

A new report from the non-profit organization “Child Care and Aware of America” reveals that, on a national scale in the United States, the average cost of placing two children in a childcare center is at least 25% higher than the cost of typical rent. (This data reflects the costs of caring for an infant and a 4-year-old child)

Some areas have even higher costs, including 11 states and the District of Columbia, where the cost of placing two children in childcare centers is at least double the cost of typical rent. Among these, Vermont has the highest costs, with childcare fees for two children amounting to $35,016, while typical rent is $13,788.

The following are the data for these 11 states and the District of Columbia:

According to data from the organization “Child Care and Aware of America,” the average childcare price nationwide was $11,582 in 2023.

The non-profit organization noted in its recent report, “For decades, childcare has been under-resourced, leading to a situation where high-quality programs are in short supply and too many families cannot afford the associated costs.”

This article has drawn references from reports by the Nexstar Media Group.