Foreign Students Enjoying Scholarships Deliberately Not Graduating? Shanxi University Exposed Ugly Truth

In recent years, the Chinese authorities have faced criticism for their implementation of foreign student scholarships and the “study partner” system. A scandal has recently emerged at Shanxi University, where foreign students are said to be living lavishly using government scholarships, and some are unwilling to complete their studies and return to their home countries.

According to reports from Phoenix News and Shandong Business Daily on May 18, a user on Sina Weibo, named “allaloneeeee,” posted comments about Pakistani students at Shanxi University who are constantly enjoying fine dining, entertainment, and living off scholarships without graduating for many years.

The user mentioned that these students enjoy a luxurious lifestyle, refuse to leave even after an extended period, receive special care including birthday celebrations from the school, and some are accused of being addicted to social media, possibly engaging in inappropriate behavior.

On May 16, the International Education and Exchange Institute at Shanxi University released a statement to dispel rumors, explaining that according to regulations, the basic study period for graduate students is 3 years, extendable upon application. Doctoral students can study for up to 8 years, and master’s students for up to 5 years, with the university currently having 38 Pakistani students.

Many netizens commented on the situation, expressing opinions such as welcoming foreign students to stay for as long as they want if they contribute economically like Chinese students studying abroad, highlighting disparities in living conditions between foreign and domestic students, and criticizing the lack of consequences for overstaying students

As observed by a reporter from Da Ji Yuan, the Weibo account of “allaloneeeee” is currently banned from posting, and related messages have been deleted.

The user, based in Shanxi, previously revealed in August 2022 that six foreign students studying at Shanxi University were fined, detained, and deported for reasons like illegal teaching without proper authorization. The students included individuals from Afghanistan, the UK, Ukraine, Ghana, and Turkmenistan.

The user further exposed cases of foreign students illegally staying in China after graduating, collectively referred to as “three illegals foreign persons,” engaging in unauthorized employment, entry, and residence.

Shanxi University’s International Education and Exchange Institute, established in 1993, serves as the university’s international education gateway. It is designated as one of the Chinese Language Education Centers by the State Council Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, receives Confucius Institute scholarships, and has been hosting Chinese government scholarship students since 2013.

The university previously redistributed a notice from the Chinese Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Education in 2017 regarding the “Taiwan Student Scholarship Management Measures,” aimed at promoting the “great cause of national reunification.” This initiative encourages more Taiwan students to study at mainland Chinese universities and provides specific scholarship details, including annual amounts ranging from 7,000 to 30,000 yuan for doctoral students. Those opposing the “One China” policy risk losing their scholarship eligibility.

The Chinese government’s foreign student scholarship system, including provisions for coeducation with opposite-sex “study partners,” has faced criticism in recent years.

In July last year, the substantial subsidies received by foreign students at Jinan University from the Shandong provincial government were exposed, leading to the reporting and investigation of the whistleblowers by the police.

Financial documents from Jinan University reveal that foreign students received monthly living subsidies ranging from 29,000 to 30,000 yuan in July 2023, raising concerns about the disbursement and management of such funds.

Following the exposé, Jinan University issued statements to refute the claims and reported the situation to the authorities. The police in Jinan announced measures taken against an individual named Zhou, who was involved in the incident.

Apart from the privileges enjoyed by foreign students at Chinese universities, there have been incidents involving arranged “study partner” interactions between foreign and Chinese students. Reports of counselors mandating female students to participate in activities with African foreign students at Jinan University surfaced in June 2018, leading to additional scandals at universities like Shandong University.

On a broader scale, data from the Chinese Ministry of Education’s official website for the year 2017 indicated nearly 490,000 foreign students studying at higher education institutions across China, highlighting the widespread presence of foreign students in the country.

In April 2018, the Ministry of Education released budgetary figures showing that the educational expenses for foreign students in China exceeded 3.3 billion yuan, yet subsequent information regarding this matter has been limited following ongoing revelations and public scrutiny.