US Allocates Funds to Aid Taiwan Allies Act, Taiwanese Legislator: Resisting CCP’s Coercion

In response to the proposal of the “Taiwan Allies Fund Act” by the House Select Committee on China of the United States Federal House of Representatives, Taiwanese legislator Chen Guanting expressed today (May 13) that the proposed allocation of funds by the United States to assist Taiwan’s allies in resisting economic threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) deserves Taiwan’s gratitude.

The House Select Committee on China released a statement that Republican Chairman John Moolenaar and Democratic Ranking Member Raja Krishnamoorthi introduced a bipartisan bill called the “Taiwan Allies Fund Act.” This legislation authorizes the allocation of a 3-year, $120 million fund to aid Taiwan’s official and unofficial partners facing threats from the CCP, thus strengthening Taiwan’s global network of allies.

Legislator Chen Guanting stated in a press release that no country can rely on another for its sovereignty and defense, but nations can accept goodwill assistance from other countries for regional peace and stability. The US Indo-Pacific Command has consistently emphasized that the challenges faced today are no longer purely military threats but also include economic coercion, falling under the category of “ICAD (Illegal, Coercive, Aggressive, Deceptive)” with coercion being at its core. This assistance will not only help Taiwan effectively respond to future economic threats but also benefit other countries subject to CCP coercion.

The bill requires Taiwan to provide a proportionate amount of funding, a stance that Chen Guanting supports. He believes that Taiwan should also allocate a corresponding budget to jointly uphold regional peace and stability. This demonstrates that Taiwan will not completely depend on foreign countries for its security but is willing to contribute to defending its sovereignty.

Chen Guanting explained that since the establishment of the House Select Committee on China in October last year, several proposals and plans have been put forward to assist Taiwan, aiding in Taiwan’s preparedness for potential economic threats in the future. This highlights the importance that the United States places on Taiwan’s security and its determination to counter CCP coercion.

He believes that this bill is another significant legislative action demonstrating the recent strong support of Taiwan by the US Congress, showcasing the solid partnership between the US and Taiwan with continuous deepening cooperation across various fields. As pressure from the CCP on Taiwan intensifies, the timely support extended by the US will provide fresh impetus for Taiwan to address external threats.