News Highlights: What is Xi’s Determination for the Secret of the Third Plenary Session?

Greetings to all new and old friends of Clean World and Oil Tube, I am Li Muyang. Welcome to pay attention to the news highlights. Today is Wednesday, May 8th in the US Eastern Time, and Thursday, May 9th in Asia-Pacific Time.

Today, I will share three different pieces of news with you, one about the Third Plenum of the 20th Communist Party National Congress, one about the downfall of former General Manager of China Unicom, Li Guohua, and another about prison crimes.

The 20th Communist Party National Congress was delayed for half a year before the authorities announced that it will be held in July, and there are indeed reasons behind this. It is rumored that there were two issues Xi Jinping couldn’t make up his mind on which to address first. Unable to decide, the Third Plenum was postponed again and again.

What are these two issues? One is the “exposure, criticism, and struggle” against Jiang Zemin, and the other is the use of force to resolve the Taiwan issue. Xi Jinping has been indecisive on which to address first. Now, Xi Jinping has made up his mind to take military action against Taiwan first, and then deal with the issue of Jiang Zemin. With a firm decision made, the Third Plenum was finally able to take place.

Yuan Hongbing, a legal scholar in Australia, told “Watching China” that the CCP has formed a system of Xi Jinping’s personal dictatorship. Therefore, his will is the power will of the CCP’s tyranny, and Xi Jinping’s mindset determines the direction of the CCP’s political operation.

However, despite this, Xi Jinping still “listened to” the opinions of his advisers on these two issues. In Xi Jinping’s view, this is a “major decision”. Within Xi’s camp, there are two factions on which issue to address first.

One faction led by Cai Qi, who is a member of the CCP Central Secretariat, including Shi Taifeng, Li Shulei, and Wang Xiaohong, believes in the principle of “no destruction, no establishment”. They believe that only by publicly announcing the severe corruption caused by Jiang Zemin’s line can the crisis of the CCP’s demise be resolved, establishing Xi Jinping’s “wise leadership” position.

They believe that after solving Jiang Zemin’s issue, they can proceed with the “national mobilization for military solution to Taiwan”. In other words, they think that by doing so, Xi Jinping can accumulate enough political authority. It can be used in the name of the Third Plenum to “establish Xi Jinping’s historical status in saving the CCP, country, and military.”

The other faction is the majority of the CCP’s Politburo Standing Committee, including Li Qiang, Li Xi, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Ding Xuexiang, and others. They believe that the trend of Taiwan’s internationalization is increasingly dangerous, and “the country should concentrate all its national energy on decisively resolving the Taiwan issue through military action.”

Yuan Hongbing quoted conscientious individuals within the CCP system as saying that these people believe that after resolving Taiwan’s issue militarily, they can take advantage of the victory to “start the party’s internal settlement against Jiang Zemin, and even against Deng Xiaoping’s line”.

In particular, the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Xi, mentioned specifically that before addressing the Taiwan issue, the settlement of Jiang Zemin and Deng Xiaoping forces should “adhere to acting but not speaking”. Focus on investigating power corruption, and not mentioning political issues.

The disagreement on these two opinions has left Xi Jinping hesitating for a long time, not knowing which faction’s opinion to follow. Conscientious individuals stated that emotionally, Xi Jinping leaned towards Cai Qi’s faction’s viewpoint, but in the end, he accepted the opinion of the majority of the Politburo Standing Committee.

In other words, Xi Jinping has decided to address the Taiwan issue militarily first, and then deal with the issues of Jiang Zemin and Deng Xiaoping. Yuan Hongbing believes that the Third Plenum will be the “starting point” for the current authorities under Xi Jinping to solve Taiwan’s issue militarily. After that, Xi Jinping’s authorities will concentrate all the political, economic, diplomatic, and united front energy of the CCP’s tyranny to create conditions for solving the Taiwan issue militarily.

Yuan Hongbing believes that the CCP may be willing to go to any length and engage in a “century-defining military showdown” with the US in the Taiwan Strait, which the CCP refers to as its “front yard”. Yuan Hongbing said, “Dictator Xi Jinping and the CCP’s party-army now have a stubborn belief like a guard dog, that is, to fight at their doorstep, and we are not afraid of anyone.”

As for whether Xi Jinping and the CCP’s party-army have this kind of stubborn belief, we do not need to think about it. The CCP indeed has a relentless determination not to tire themselves out and will not give up easily. If the CCP goes to war with Taiwan, the US and Japan will inevitably come to Taiwan’s defense, and the result is obvious.

If Xi Jinping starts a war against Taiwan but fails to capture it, how will he face those who oppose military action against Taiwan? Will he be arrested for war crimes and sent to the International Criminal Court? This is a highly probable outcome. Man may plan, but heaven decides. When all the manipulation is over, retribution will surely arrive.

There is a Chinese saying, “When heaven is angry, calamities will occur; when people do wrong, disasters will follow.” Li Guohua, the former Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and General Manager of China Unicom Group Corporation, was sentenced to 16 years in prison yesterday (May 7th). Li Guohua and his wife probably never expected such a day to come.

The 64-year-old Li Guohua faced many accusations, including benefiting others in project contracting, business operations, career advancements, accepting over 66.45 million yuan in bribes, causing state-owned assets to lose over 9.96 million yuan. Additionally, there were revelations before that Li Guohua’s lifestyle also had issues.

As early as 2018, signs indicated Li Guohua’s impending downfall. Xi Jinping had him “downgraded and adjusted” from a top position at China Post to China Unicom. China Unicom was a gold mine where Jiang Mianheng crazily accumulated wealth, and Li Guohua acted as a white glove for Jiang Mianheng for about two years.

Many media outlets have covered these details, but let me share something not widely known. There is a Chinese saying “A virtuous wife brings tranquility to her husband’s life.” Li Guohua’s downfall is closely related to his wife. Many people searched for information about Li Guohua’s wife on the internet but couldn’t find much because they have no information on her name.

A person who claims to “know Li Guohua’s wife” has been a loyal viewer of mine, following my updates for nearly 5 years. However, this person prefers to remain discreet and has asked me to share his revelations with you as a “reliable informant.”

This friend revealed that Li Guohua was transferred from Jiangxi Post, and his wife’s name is Pan Yonghua. Pan Yonghua had been working at the China Philatelic General Corporation, a central enterprise under the postal group company. During Li Guohua’s tenure at China Post as the Vice President, Pan Yonghua held a middle-level position in the Philatelic General Corporation.

According to the “reliable informant,” in September 2011, then-head of China Post Liu Andong retired, and Pan Yonghua personally led a group from China Post to Wutai Mountain early in the morning to pray for Li Guohua to overcome his challenges. An accompanying colleague described Pan Yonghua as “extremely devout.”

After Li Guohua was promoted, Pan Yonghua immediately resigned from her position as the manager of philatelic production departments and was appointed as the chairman of the labor union at the Philatelic General Corporation. This position did not entail actual business responsibilities, was less tiring, and allowed her to enjoy the same benefits as a middle-level leader.

The friend revealed that “While in charge of philatelic production, many corrupt bids were made. After becoming the labor union chair, Pan Yonghua occasionally made appearances. Later on, she didn’t even bother coming anymore and openly received a salary without working. Around 2012 or 2013, her annual salary from the philatelic company’s labor union was at least 500,000 yuan.”

The friend also mentioned, “Around 2015, when the CCP began inspecting the postal system, Li Guohua, fearing trouble, had his wife completely resign from all positions at the Philatelic General Corporation to sever their official connections. He arranged for Pan Yonghua to be placed in the China Stamp Association, open information of which can still be found online.”

Upon checking, some information indeed revealed that Pan Yonghua holds at least two titles: Vice Secretary-General of the China Stamp Association and Vice-Chairman of the Asian Philatelic Federation. This role essentially involved little work, as it entailed attending various ribbon-cutting and inspection events within the postal system, a form of using public funds to travel around the world under the guise of “inspections.”

The friend went on to reveal, “Li Guohua had complete control over personnel arrangements, much like Xi Jinping, where decisions on personnel appointments had to be personally issued and directed by him. It was all about favoritism. Pan Yonghua’s niece is named Pan Chen and has been working at the Philatelic General Corporation. New employees were quickly promoted to supervisory roles after joining the company, marrying, having children, and taking maternity leave.”

The “reliable informant” also stated, “When in control at China Post, Li Guohua displayed what was known as ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ His wife would walk around wearing fur coats, looking very ostentatious. Within the postal system, all conscientious individuals pointed out that Li Guohua would inevitably run into trouble sooner or later.” Soon after being transferred to China Unicom, he was met with disgrace.

Now that I’ve shared this email with you, the last part is particularly impactful. It mentions Xi Jinping, stating that Li Guohua’s utilization of power was “like Xi Jinping,” where everything had to be “personally directed and deployed.” However, despite all the manipulation, everyone could see the signs that Li Guohua was inevitably going to run into troubles. Eventually, Li Guohua was caught, as per the public sentiment in China, “retribution was due.”

It’s uncertain whether Xi Jinping or Peng Liyuan would come across my program, or if anyone will mention today’s content to them. If they were to come across the revelations of the “reliable informant,” what would their reactions be?

As mentioned earlier, “When heaven is angry, calamities will occur; when people do wrong, disasters will follow.” This saying was proven true in Li Guohua’s case, and it’s not just about him. Many fallen CCP officials have also faced similar consequences, which serves as a significant warning.

Many people believe that having power means they set the rules, and if they don’t want something to happen, it won’t. Hence, they seek to use their power to carry out actions they deem “reasonable.” However, individuals who have faith in heaven know that there’s a reckoning, where all deeds and misdeeds are meticulously recorded and accounted for. Everything will be settled when the time comes.

Yesterday (May 7), former Inner Mongolia official Du Wen told Epoch Times that the Third Prison in Hohhot is engaging in a “brutal killing game.” The prison authorities are turning a blind eye to the tuberculosis outbreak, resulting in numerous inmates suffering a gruesome fate.

Du Wen, who formerly served as the Executive Director at the Inner Mongolia Government Legal Advisory Office and was a legal consultant for high-level officials like Batel and Hu Chunhua, was later implicated in a bribery case and sentenced to 12 years and 8 months in prison. He was held at the heavily guarded prison in Hohhot.

The heavily guarded prison, which was the predecessor of the Third Prison, detains individuals with the most severe convictions and longest sentences in Inner Mongolia. Public information states that the prison covers an area of 900 acres with a building area of 86,000 square meters and can accommodate up to 2,000 inmates at a time.

Upon his release in January last year, Du Wen fled to Belgium. Recently, he has been revealing the dark secrets of the CCP and fighting for justice for himself. He informed Epoch Times that he possesses “ample evidence” to prove the truth of his claims and is continuing to call for international attention to stop the trampling of human rights.

He stated, “The prison management deliberately ignored the tuberculosis epidemic, particularly among the non-working elderly and vulnerable prisoners. The authorities allowed the epidemic to spread freely among those individuals, resulting in a significant number of inmate deaths, thereby relieving the prison’s burden.”

In the mid-2022 stage, Du Wen heard police discussing that there had been a large-scale fever outbreak of COVID-19 among 300 people in District Two. Following the unfolding spread, District Two enforced strict quarantine measures, but afterward, the officials denied any occurrence of the epidemic. The reason was “If there really was a COVID-19 epidemic, they would have detained the head of the judicial department and the prison director. No one would dare admit to such an incident.”

By detaining the head of the judicial department and the prison director, individuals who had engaged in extensive wrongdoing, the evil actions have resulted in their own suffering. The prison inmates also have human rights. While they may have committed crimes and are being punished, allowing an epidemic to spread in the prison, even deliberately amplifying it, is not only a violation of human rights but also a crime against life.

This concludes today’s reflection on all these issues. Our program is available on Clean World and Oil Tube channels, and I hope you can follow us on the News Highlights Channel. If you enjoy my program, please don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe, and hit the notification bell. If you wish to support me, there is a donation link below the video, and your contributions are greatly appreciated.