Chang Gung University Invites Former Minister of Technology, Chen Liang-chi, to Share Love Story

Long-awaited event took place at Chang Gung University of Science and Technology to raise awareness about depression prevention and treatment. The university invited former Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology and current honorary professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University, Mr. Chen Liangji, to share his experience of supporting his wife through depression. He also held a book signing event for his work “Never Let Go: Crossing the Desert of Depression Together,” which was praised by former CEO of Time Publishing Group, Mo Zhaoping, as “a love story of the century.”

Vice President of Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Huang Conglong, remarked that the prevalence of depression among modern individuals has been steadily increasing. It was an honor to have Professor Chen Liangji and his wife come to the campus to share their personal journey, helping more people understand the symptoms and treatment of depression.

Head of the Counseling and Guidance Division at Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Hong Yuting, also shared that the school has encountered cases of students struggling with depression in the past. She encouraged students, emphasizing that depression can affect anyone, to bravely seek help from the counseling professionals if needed.

At the beginning of the event, Professor Chen Liangji took his wife, Wang Sumei, by the hand as they walked onto the stage together, displaying a deep bond between them. Professor Chen emphasized that apart from the assistance of mental health professionals, what individuals battling depression need most is the companionship of family and friends. He recalled the challenges of supporting his wife through depression, constantly encouraging each other, believing that one day they would look back and laugh about the difficult times they went through. Wang Sumei reflected on her experience, acknowledging that during depression, negative thoughts prevail, but it is crucial to maintain faith in overcoming depression someday.