How many cars were buried in the Mei Dagu Highway collapse? Do we have to dig them out to find out?

The collapse of the Meidagao Expressway buried several cars? Do we have to dig them out to know? The incident of the Meidagao Expressway collapse, how many cars were actually buried in it? In the early morning of May 1st, the first wave of media reports said that 18 cars were trapped. By the afternoon of May 1st, the number increased to 20 cars. By May 2nd, the rescue operation was largely completed, and the local government held a press conference to report the situation, revealing that 23 cars were involved in the collapse. The accident occurred on the highway, in a relatively closed section where the number of vehicles entering and exiting at both ends was precisely monitored, even down to the license plates. In other words, which vehicles entered this section on the evening of April 30th and did not come out until noon on May 1st, should be easily traceable with accurate data by the traffic management department. During daylight hours, it should have been possible to verify the details of all “missing” vehicles through phone calls. However, how did it come to the actual accident rescue site, and still need to manually count each car that is dug out? In recent years, governments everywhere have invested heavily in building smart city systems, aiming to have precise control over traffic data. At a moment when dozens of lives were buried under the landslide, why did we regress to the primitive practice of counting each car that is dug out? This is highly questionable. Another point that I dare not state clearly is whether the relevant authorities do not actually know or do not want to know the number of cars involved in the Meidagao Expressway collapse? – Self-media “Constructive Comments”

This big pit is a metaphor. Around 2:10 am on May 1st, a road collapse accident occurred at K11+900 of the Meidagao Expressway in Meizhou, Guangdong, towards Fujian, with a collapsed road surface length of about 17.9 meters and an area of about 184.3 square meters. – @reporterxiaowu: This big pit is a metaphor. Faced with this big pit that is China under the rule of the CCP, emergency braking is useless. You never know when the pit will suddenly appear without warning.

Where did the 563 livers mentioned in Academician Zheng’s paper come from? Academician Zheng Shusen of the Chinese Academy of Engineering published a research paper in the United States on organ transplantation, mentioning the source of 563 livers that raised suspicions in the United States. When questioned, Academician Zheng Shusen failed to provide a legal and reasonable explanation, leading to the decision by the United States to retract his paper and blacklist him in the academic community. The key issue lies in the source of the 563 livers, which he could not prove the legitimacy of. If this is true, the situation is very serious, as many people go missing every year. – Yu Qian

Without the Communist Party, there would be no disgrace! On April 26th, in Beijing, an elderly man with injuries on his face queued up outside the National Petition Bureau at midnight to file a complaint. The elderly man claimed that the injuries on his face were inflicted by village officials. – @chongzhe: In a small village in China, a village official can do as he pleases with the villagers, who dare not speak out. The likely outcome of villagers petitioning is being intercepted and brought back by village officials. The grassroots working people cannot raise their voices, and only by igniting public opinion can this situation be resolved fairly. – @fnkwhb: Why are the police, the court, and the procuratorate ineffective? Because they are controlled by the Communist Party. So, the Petition Bureau is not controlled by the Communist Party? Without the Communist Party, there would be no disgrace!

Tax Three Generations. Recently, a woman in Shanghai dressed in a uniform claiming to be the third-generation tax personnel, with her grandfather and father both being tax bureau officials, and now she has also become a tax worker, saying that she will pass down the tax baton through generations in her family. In response to this, the Tax Bureau of Qingpu District in Shanghai stated: It has reported to the leadership and is currently understanding the situation. – @h5LPyKL7TP6jjop

Xi Jinping’s theory of the “Great Change” cannot withstand scrutiny. Studies by the US “Foreign Affairs” found that Xi Jinping’s dazzling slogans are all part of his “Great Change” narrative. They found that Xi Jinping’s theory of the “Great Change” does not withstand scrutiny, as two key premises do not exist: 1) The world is not in an era of an industrial revolution or technological revolution, so where is the “Great Change”? 2) Even if there were an industrial revolution or technological revolution, there is no sign of China leading this revolution. Therefore, even with a “respectful” attitude towards Xi Jinping, his “Great Change” theory is not trustworthy. – @ltshijie