Protesters at Tower University Campsite Face Disciplinary Action, Threaten to Boycott Graduation Ceremony.

Recently, Tufts University in Massachusetts has demanded that protesters camping in public spaces dismantle their camps, while these pro-Palestinian protesters have threatened to boycott the graduation ceremonies on May 18th and 19th.

On April 30th, Tufts University issued a final ultimatum to the protesting students camping on the campus, demanding them to remove their camp from the public spaces, or face possible forcible eviction and disciplinary actions from the school.

The university’s legal department sent a letter to the Students for Justice in Palestine organization, explaining that occupying school spaces by camping is considered illegal trespassing, and individuals involved could be arrested.

“If Tufts students cannot clear the area, they may face disciplinary action under community regulations, which could result in suspension or other penalties. For seniors, the consequences might include being unable to participate in graduation week activities or the commencement ceremony,” the university statement said.

The statement also mentioned that the university proposed a meeting between the protest leaders and the university president, chief investment officer, and board members, with the condition that the protesters vacate the camp and commit to not disrupting the graduation ceremony. The proposal was reportedly rejected by the protesters.

These protesters are calling for Israel to stop its attacks on the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip, and they are demanding that Tufts University cease accepting funding from Israeli-related institutions.

Upon receiving the university’s final ultimatum, about 200 Tufts University students signed an open letter on May 1st, stating that if the university forcibly removes the campers, these students will boycott the graduation ceremonies.

“If Tufts authorities resort to violence against our peers occupying the Academic Quad, it would be more disruptive to our graduation atmosphere than some written signs and headscarves on elephant sculptures,” the open letter handed to President Kumar said.

A university spokesperson expressed hope for resolving the issue peacefully and voluntarily to prepare for the graduation-related activities.

Earlier, Brown University in Rhode Island faced a similar situation. However, an agreement was reached with protesters on April 30th, and the protesters have since dismantled their camp.

Under this agreement, Brown University officials have agreed to present a proposal to divest from Israeli investments at the October board of trustees meeting for a vote.