Car crash causes power outage for hundreds of households in Brooklyn.

In Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, on the morning of April 29th, a trailer truck struck down electrical poles, causing power outage for hundreds of households.

The incident occurred around 10:30 a.m. on April 29th, when a trailer truck was reversing at 1315 Oriental Blvd. in Manhattan Beach, accidentally knocking down 8 electrical poles and two transformers. Several power lines fell to the ground, with one transformer catching fire and leaking toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Sixty firefighters and medical personnel rushed to the scene to contain the fire, which was under control by 12:35 p.m. The accident resulted in power outage for 382 households in four blocks nearby, with one person sustaining minor injuries and receiving treatment on-site. A representative from Con Edison told Brooklyn Paper that due to the extensive damage to the power lines, overnight repairs are expected to restore electricity supply.

Interestingly, at the same intersection of Oriental Blvd. and Langham St., a similar incident took place last May when a trailer truck got entangled with overhead power lines, bringing down two electrical poles. One of the poles struck a B-42 bus, causing the driver to sustain minor injuries.

This recent accident underscores the potential risks associated with large vehicles navigating through areas with overhead power lines. Authorities are likely to review safety measures to prevent similar incidents in the future and ensure the well-being of both drivers and residents in the community.