Heilongjiang Hospital Refuses to Accept Patients with Commercial Insurance, Drawing Attention.

Recently, there was an online post by a blogger alleging that his mother was refused treatment at the Jiamusi Tumor Hospital because she had commercial insurance, sparking public attention.

On October 27, blogger “Yuan Liuli” wrote that when taking his mother to Jiamusi Tumor Hospital for treatment, they were turned away due to having commercial insurance.

According to “Yuan Liuli,” after confirming the illness, his mother initially received treatment at Harbin Tumor Hospital. As it was far from home, the doctors suggested returning to the local hospital for targeted therapy. When they arrived at Jiamusi Tumor Hospital, they were told that the hospital does not accept patients with commercial insurance, implying that higher-tier hospitals are passing the burden down.

This incident quickly caught the attention of the online community.

Financial blogger and Weibo influencer “Zhou SiCIO” questioned, “I don’t understand the reason, isn’t payment made before seeking treatment at the hospital? What is the hospital worried about? After treatment is completed, the patients can claim reimbursement from the insurance company. I don’t understand why the hospital is refusing patients.”

Another financial blogger and Weibo influencer, “Cai Rumen,” commented, “I didn’t quite understand, why reject patients with commercial insurance? Isn’t commercial insurance a normal payment method? The hospital won’t be unable to collect payment, so what’s the situation here?”

Some netizens claiming to be from hospitals said, “Even in my own hospital, I don’t understand. Commercial insurance has nothing to do with the hospital. We collect money the way we should, and after discharge, patients can settle with their commercial insurance using the invoice on their own. We don’t inquire about it.”

There are also netizens who believe, “The rejection of commercial insurance is just an excuse. It’s more likely that grassroots hospitals are facing tight medical insurance funds, unhappy that higher-tier hospitals are sending over patients who were halfway treated to use up their own medical insurance quota.”

On October 28, a reporter from Baixingguanzhu learned from staff at Jiamusi Tumor Hospital that the hospital is aware of the situation and is investigating it. The Jiamusi Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission responded that they will intervene and conduct an investigation.