Intern in Hunan Falls to Death, Parents: Son Reported Hospital for Organ Harvesting Before Death

In a recent incident, the parents of Luo Shuaiyu, a medical intern at Xiangya Second Hospital in Changsha, Hunan Province, made a video exposing their son’s death due to reporting the hospital’s director and others for illegal organ harvesting and trading.

On October 19th, Luo Shuaiyu’s parents, holding official documents, publicly reported that their son, a research student in the kidney transplant department at Xiangya Second Hospital, died after falling from a building on May 8th. They suspect that their son was persecuted for reporting the hospital’s illegal activities in acquiring and selling human organs.

Luo Shuaiyu’s parents revealed that after examining their son’s computer, they discovered extensive evidence of illegal activities involving Deputy Director of the Trauma Emergency Medicine Center at Xiangya Second Hospital, Liu Xiangfeng, and other staff members in obtaining and trading human organs, including numerous audio recordings and written materials.

Evidence from WeChat records indicated that during Luo Shuaiyu’s two-year tenure at Xiangya Second Hospital, the hospital transferred up to 40 million Chinese yuan through the WeChat accounts of nearly a hundred students, including Luo Shuaiyu, to the head nurse of the kidney transplant department, Fang Chunhua. These funds were believed to be illicit proceeds from illegal organ transplants. In the video, Luo Shuaiyu’s mother presented a stack of written evidence.

Furthermore, audio recordings revealed that several doctors at Xiangya Second Hospital colluded with “downstream personnel” to facilitate the illegal acquisition and sale of human organs by unlicensed graduate students. One recording disclosed Liu Xiangfeng clandestinely extracting a patient’s small intestine for a “small bowel transplant” surgery without the patient’s knowledge.

Additionally, Luo Shuaiyu’s phone recordings depicted situations in the emergency department where sometimes over a dozen patients awaited urgent care with only one on-duty physician available. The fate of these patients heavily depended on the “conscience” of the on-duty doctor. The hospital doctors collaborated with “downstream personnel” to predict when a patient might die, then deliver the “potential organ donors’ bodies” to agreed upon locations to obtain the organs. These patients had no family members present, raising suspicions of potential manipulation by the “collaborating parties” who sent “potential organ donors’ bodies” to the hospital. The transplant department even referred to the emergency department as a “morgue.”

A chat record indicated that internal individuals in the hospital allegedly reported multiple times internally, including the recent incident, but Liu Xiangfeng escaped punishment, while Luo Shuaiyu, the whistleblower, tragically died. Prior to Luo Shuaiyu, in February of this year, female research student Cao Liping also died in the same jurisdiction under mysterious circumstances, labeled as “suicide.” Subsequent investigations recovered a series of reports on her phone and computer. Yet, the deaths of both individuals remain uninvestigated.

Liu Xiangfeng was investigated and detained in August 2022. Netizens believe that the untimely deaths of Luo Shuaiyu and Cao Liping this year indicate the continued existence of protection for Liu Xiangfeng.

Many netizens expressed concerns about the organ transplant departments of large hospitals being part of intricate profit chains where unfortunate patients, once matched, could be targeted for elimination by the hospital. They lamented the blatant disregard for life and the pervasive corruption in the country.

Some voices on social media condemned the Chinese Communist regime for evolving into a global criminal syndicate with the highest rates of corruption and abuse of power, engaging in organ harvesting, brutal suppression of democratic activists, and unbridled exploitation of people’s wealth, branding it as the largest terrorist organization worldwide. Critics highlighted the vulnerability of ordinary Chinese citizens under this regime and demanded strict punishment for those involved in the illicit organ trafficking.

Furthermore, there were calls from netizens to address the issue of “demonic hospitals” and the underlying “profit chains.”