Chinese Communist Party Intensifies Threats, Taiwan Foreign Minister: Collaborating with the US to Promote Regional Stability

On October 17, 2024, Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, delivered a keynote speech at the annual conference of the Global Taiwan Institute (GTI) in Washington D.C. via pre-recorded video. Minister Wu highlighted the escalating threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) towards Taiwan and expressed his hope to work together with the United States to promote regional prosperity and stability through comprehensive diplomacy.

The GTI, a think tank based in Washington D.C., held its annual symposium on the 16th Eastern Standard Time. Minister Joseph Wu of the Republic of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was invited to deliver a keynote speech via pre-recorded video. He discussed the serious challenges posed by authoritarian alliances and expansions to the international order, recognized the United States’ efforts in building a network system to strengthen solid partner networks, emphasized Taiwan’s indispensable role in the international community, and expressed the desire to promote comprehensive diplomacy to tackle various challenges in collaboration with the United States.

Minister Wu explained that the CCP has intensified military intimidation towards Taiwan, utilizing legal, public opinion, and cognitive “three warfare” strategies to escalate its aggression against Taiwan. Furthermore, they aim to create a “new normal” in the Taiwan Strait through grey zone tactics, seriously impacting regional and Taiwan Strait peace and stability.

“We appreciate the United States’ steadfast support for Taiwan’s security and assistance in various forms such as Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and Presidential Delegation Authorization (PDA) in recent years,” Minister Wu expressed. “On the other hand, Taiwan continues to increase its defense budget, enhance societal defense resilience, and strengthen defense capabilities.”

He stated that economic and trade diplomacy based on prosperity is the core of comprehensive diplomacy. He looks forward to continued Taiwan-U.S. cooperation in platforms like the Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue (EPPD) to strengthen supply chain resilience, enhance cooperation in key areas, and assist third countries in their development through the concept of “1+1=3.” Additionally, he mentioned expanding cooperation with various countries under the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) to address global issues and challenges, aiming to achieve the policy vision of transitioning from a “secure state” to a “prosperous state.”

“Taiwan needs the world, and the world needs Taiwan. The Republic of China will continue to work closely with the United States, allies, and partners to implement the concept of comprehensive diplomacy, expand international exchanges,” Minister Wu stated.

The Global Taiwan Institute is Washington D.C.’s first think tank focused on Taiwan. The theme of this year’s annual conference is “US-Taiwan Relations: An Ironclad Partnership in a Period of Global Disruption,” focusing on discussions related to Taiwan-U.S. defense and security cooperation, the U.S. presidential election, China’s grey zone threats, and geopolitical security issues.