How to Get Rid of Garden-invading Squirrels? Experts Teach You Some Tips.

Squirrels are a familiar animal to people. Despite their cute appearance, if they invade your garden, they may cause some damage such as chewing on items. However, in some countries, killing, harming, or even capturing squirrels is illegal. So, is there a way to “relocate” them without harming them?

According to a report by National Geographic, there are over 200 species of squirrels worldwide. The smallest is the African pygmy squirrel, measuring only 5 inches from nose to tail; while the Indian giant squirrel is a large squirrel that can grow up to 3 feet long, defying people’s imagination.

Like other rodents, squirrels have four continuously growing incisors (two upper and two lower) that need to be constantly worn down through gnawing.

Tree squirrels are the most common type, gracefully leaping between tree branches. There are also ground squirrels that live in burrows or tunnels, with some hibernating in winter.

Flying squirrels are another adaptable type of squirrel, living in nests or tree hollows like birds. While they don’t fly, they can glide through the air, leaping from one tree to another, covering distances of over 150 feet.

Whether living in trees or underground burrows, female squirrels typically give birth to two to eight offspring. They may have several litters a year, making most squirrel populations robust.

According to the UK’s Daily Express, Laura Bamborough, a garden expert from the UK garden building company Garden Buildings Direct, mentioned that squirrels are naturally curious animals and may cause unnecessary damage to your garden or shed.

For instance, squirrels may chew through wood, aluminum, and plastic, creating holes in weak areas of buildings that could compromise the structure and damage plants and lawns.

Bamborough stated, “Fortunately, there are ways to deter them and minimize damage.” Here are three methods she listed:

1. You can set up various barriers in your garden to protect it from squirrel intrusion, such as metal or plastic guards around tree trunks or wire netting to protect fragile plants and bulbs.

2. Bamborough recommended, “You can also use sealant to protect your shed, ensuring no holes or gaps. Steel wool or metal wire mesh is the best tool to cover any small openings. If you want to prevent leaks of heat and water, make sure to completely patch up any visible small holes.”

3. One of the “simplest and most harmless” ways to keep squirrels away is by utilizing items found in your kitchen.

Bamborough added, “Squirrels have sensitive noses and they dislike items like chili, pepper flakes, and coffee grounds that produce strong scents. These can be sprinkled around the garden without causing harm to any plants or the lawn.”

Apart from these natural items, you can also purchase commercial sprays to repel squirrels.

Reducing food sources is one of the best ways to keep squirrels away from your garden. “Squirrels enjoy a variety of foods, so removing nuts, fruits, vegetables, and fungi can greatly prevent them from entering your garden,” mentioned Bamborough.

The expert also suggested using squirrel-proof bird feeders instead of loose food to feed birds. Additionally, trimming all tree branches to prevent them from extending towards your house or shed can help prevent squirrels from using them as entry points.