19-year-old girl in Chongqing has leg broken by dance teacher, resulting in tenth-degree disability.

Recently in Chongqing, a 19-year-old girl posted online alleging that she had her leg broken by a dance training institution teacher who continuously pressed down on it, resulting in a “crack” sound. The injury was assessed as a ten-level disability, severely impacting her life and education. Subsequently, she sued the training school and is currently awaiting judgment.

On April 27th, Red Star News reported that they contacted the student named Zhang who made the post. She was born in 2005 and got injured at the dance training institution on March 25th last year. Her family immediately reported it to the police and initially, the institution was cooperative in paying for medical expenses. Four days later, she underwent surgery and her condition deteriorated significantly, rendering her immobile and bedridden.

Public information shows that on February 1st, 2024, the civil infringement dispute between the plaintiff Zhang and the defendant Xinyuanlun Company was first heard at the Sha Pingba District Court in Chongqing. The case is still pending.

Zhang mentioned that her case against Xinyuan Training School for civil infringement has had two court hearings at the Sha Pingba District Court in Chongqing and the case is still ongoing. In the first hearing, an assessment agency determined her to be a ten-level disablement. During the second hearing on April 25th, she is “currently awaiting judgment.”

Zhang explained that the first hearing mainly focused on determining the assessment agency. The judicial appraisal document she provided showed that on March 26th, 2024, the Southwest Judicial Appraisal Institute in Chongqing concluded that her current trauma caused a ten-level disability in her left hip joint. The internal fixation material in the left femur marrow was still in place, and a follow-up surgery to remove the fixation material would be scheduled based on the fracture healing progress.

On April 27th, Mr. Zhang, a relevant person from Xinyuan Training School, stated that they have been following up on medical expenses and court proceedings. He asserted that the school would not shirk its responsibility in the legal process.

He mentioned that they paid her over 60,000 yuan by transferring the amount on the spot. However, for various reasons such as not wanting to disclose sensitive details, he refused to provide related transfer or agreement documents.

Nevertheless, the victim, Zhang, denied signing the agreement mentioned by Mr. Zhang from Xinyuan Training School and did not receive any compensation.

As of now, the legal process is ongoing. The case had its second hearing in the first trial and is awaiting judgment.

The incident occurred on March 25th last year. According to a video released by Zhang, she was being assisted by three other classmates to perform a split while a woman in red, presumably a teacher, continuously pressed on her thigh with her foot.

Subsequently, Zhang heard a “crack” sound from her hip, and she was immediately carried on a stretcher to the hospital by several people. She later mentioned that at the moment she heard her leg snap, she initially thought it was the sound of a chair breaking, only to realize it was her own leg.

According to the outpatient medical records from the Haejia Hospital in Chongqing, the patient experienced left hip joint pain and mobility issues while performing a split, resulting in a comminuted fracture of the left femur intertrochanteric area. Zhang was later transferred to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, where she stayed for 11 days before being discharged after undergoing surgery. During her hospitalization, she was bedridden and unable to perform daily activities. Her family reported the incident to the authorities afterward.

To protect her rights, Zhang decided to take legal action against the dance training institution.

While initially cooperating in covering medical expenses, Farun Dance Account issued a statement in April 2023. Signed by Chongqing High-tech Industrial Development Zone Xinyuanlun Education Training School Co., Ltd. (referred to as Xinyuanlun Training School).

In the statement, it was mentioned that recently, Zhang and the related training institution discovered that some netizens had unlawfully used and spread Zhang’s personal image without consent from Zhang, her guardian, or the training institution, posting negative comments related to the injury incident on online platforms. These baseless and damaging comments not only marred Zhang’s and the institution’s reputation but also caused significant negative impact on the company and constituted an infringement on Zhang’s image rights.

In response to the statement, Zhang expressed her disagreement and explained that she was in the hospital recovering from surgery at the time. However, the institution’s responsible person asked her to come out and clarify the situation, to which she disagreed, but they released the announcement without her consent.