Taiwan’s “Fabulous Four” press China’s weak spot with no response

Hello everyone, welcome to “News Roundup”. Today’s co-hosts are Tang Hao, Qin Peng, Jin Shi, Yu Ting, and myself, Qin Yue. With our diverse perspectives, we will take you into the rich world of news. Don’t forget to subscribe and like our independent channel.

Today’s focus: Taiwan hits a sore spot, and the Chinese Communist Party’s “Taiwan Affairs Office” is silent for three days, unable to respond; what legislation makes the CCP uneasy? Is there a hidden agenda in He Jinli’s evasion of this issue? Is there internal support for the Republic of China within the CCP’s military? Which areas have fallen into the CCP’s battleground?

October 10th is the National Day of the Republic of China, and elites from overseas gather to celebrate the 113th birthday of the Republic of China. President Lai Ching-te recently delivered a “homeland thesis” speech at the National Day event, stating, “In terms of age, the People’s Republic of China can never become the homeland of the people of the Republic of China.” Analysts believe that the CCP may use President Lai’s National Day speech as a pretext to launch military exercises around Taiwan.

Jin Shi: President Lai’s speech on Double Ten National Day focused on domestic unity, strengthening Taiwan, and internationalizing Taiwan. However, the most eye-catching part was his “homeland thesis” at the National Day event last weekend. Why has President Lai’s “homeland thesis” garnered such attention and sparked discussions among people on both sides of the strait and international media?

Yu Ting: The “homeland thesis” has silenced the CCP for several days. The Taiwan Affairs Office finally responded on October 8th, calling it a “Taiwan independence ghost story” and “selling the two-state theory”. What are your thoughts on the Taiwan Affairs Office’s response? What hidden intentions does it reveal?

Answer: The Taiwan Affairs Office’s response lacks creativity and is very confusing, lacking logic. However, there are some nuances in this case. Firstly, the CCP did not respond promptly not only due to the long holiday but also because when Lai Ching-te mentioned the “homeland thesis”, he actually exposed the CCP’s lies. Therefore, the CCP didn’t dare to refute it immediately.

Secondly, the CCP tried to switch concepts from an international law perspective. The CCP seized power 75 years ago, in 1949, whereas Japan returned Taiwan to the Republic of China in 1945 after World War II. Therefore, before the CCP took power, the Republic of China already had sovereignty over Taiwan.

Thirdly, the CCP’s response this time rarely spoke of “safeguarding the common homeland of the Chinese nation” rather than “safeguarding China”. Moreover, this time, the CCP didn’t mention Resolution 2758, as recently in the international arena, countries like the USA have not mentioned the sovereignty question of Taiwan in the context of this resolution. Therefore, the CCP’s response didn’t touch on Resolution 2758 this time.

Although the CCP’s responses are self-deception, they align with their pattern of describing the opponent’s statements as provocations. On one hand, they aim to maintain so-called “public opinion stability” domestically and protect the “patriotic glass hearts” of their supporters. On the other hand, they hope to suppress the legitimacy and reputation of the Republic of China internationally to avoid exposing their own illegitimacy and unlawfulness.

He Jinli recently accepted an interview with CBS in the United States, discussing the Taiwan Strait issue. He Jinli said “supporting Taiwan’s self-defense” while the US will adhere to the “One China Policy”. However, when asked if the US would assist in defending Taiwan if the CCP invaded the Taiwan Strait, He Jinli refused to answer hypothetical questions. How do you interpret He Jinli’s remarks? If she is elected, will the US continue to actively assist in defending Taiwan and confronting the CCP?

Yu Ting: Honestly, I find He Jinli’s foreign policy not particularly clear. Currently, He Jinli seems to be distancing herself from the previous Biden administration, as Biden’s performance in economic and immigration policies has not been impressive.

However, Biden’s foreign policy, apart from the controversial Afghanistan troop withdrawal, has been solid. He effectively united allies and shifted away from the broader UN system that undermined multilateral trade, replacing it with individual agreements, ushering in a form of “mini-multilateralism”. The focus has shifted from the Middle East to the Indo-Pacific to counter all terror groups supported by the “CCP regime”. If He Jinli completely disassociates from Biden, there might be a shift in the future foreign policy.

However, one undeniable fact is that the CCP has expanded in recent years, no longer hiding its ambitions but rather openly expanding. For example, recently, the CCP launched an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time in over 40 years. During these 40 years, known as the period of “reform and opening up,” the CCP has completely unveiled its ambitions. Any US president, regardless of who is elected, cannot ignore these aspirations of the CCP. The US-China confrontation is only going to intensify.

Qin Peng: Lai Ching-te can be described as Taiwan’s “sharpest mouthpiece” lately for openly addressing critical issues that strike at the heart of the CCP (Aegean Treaty, homeland thesis). However, could Lai Ching-te’s behavior provoke the CCP to create more military threats to intimidate Taiwan?

1. In reality, regardless of whether Lai Ching-te speaks more or less, his statements will provoke the CCP. This is not because Lai Ching-te is from the Democratic Progressive Party but due to an ancient saying in Chinese history: “A man who bears no guilt harbors the gem of guilt” – suggesting that a commoner may be considered guilty if possessing a precious gem.

2. In the eyes of the CCP, Taiwan possesses four treasures or original sins, necessitating criticism, oppression of speech, moral defamation, and finally military conquest: First, the national title of the Republic of China, the legitimate one; Second, the democratic beacon of Asia; Third, a crucial piece in the first island chain to contain the CCP’s expansion, as for the CCP to become a global hegemon, it must occupy Taiwan; Fourth, a technological hub for chips worldwide, a prized asset.

3. I have previously mentioned that I hope Lai Ching-te can better expose the CCP’s traitorous and anti-human essence, thereby occupying a moral high ground and winning global recognition, including acknowledgment and support from mainland Chinese.

Don’t underestimate this: a substantial number of high-ranking CCP members and military personnel support the Republic of China. For instance, Liu Yuan appealed to Xin Haonian, urging him to persist. Additionally, in August this year, retired professor from Renmin University of China, Leng Jifu openly claimed that Xi Jinping had “lost power” due to severe illness; however, nothing happened to him. In the letter, Leng Jifu suggested that with Xi incapacitated, the power shifted to Zhang Youxia and He Waidong from the CMC, advocating their support for establishing the “Chinese Federal Republic”. The lack of repercussions indicates substantial support behind the scenes. Internally in Taiwan, many criticize the DPP for retaliating against Ko Wen-je, although it was the KMT members who exposed Ko Wen-je’s corruption scandal related to “Jinghua City”. While it might be a joke, it provides a handle and facts.

4. Perhaps the CCP will use this as an excuse to further intimidate Taiwan, but it’s merely a pretense. Therefore, I hope that the government of the Republic of China in Taiwan doesn’t fear but rather takes bolder actions. The tougher Taiwan is towards the CCP, the greater the support it will receive. Chinese people are interesting and admire strong figures; the weaker ones are bullied more. Go for it, Lai Ching-te!

Public Opinion Poll: Most Taiwanese believe that the likelihood of a Chinese invasion in the next five years is low. Why do you think Taiwanese view it this way?

Tang Hao: With the CCP’s current power and ambitions not aligning, have they found other methods to invade Taiwan?

A recent public opinion poll released by Taiwan’s top military think tank, the Institute for National Defense and Security Studies, revealed that most Taiwanese believe China is unlikely to invade Taiwan in the next five years, but they also consider Beijing as a severe threat to the democratic island.

Since the CCP lacks the ability to launch a military war, can the people of Taiwan rest assured?

Thank you for the analysis. Taiwan possesses a unique culture, system, and values that must be safeguarded. In the face of the CCP’s tactics of cultural warfare and military intimidation, Taiwan must adhere to its principles: while you have your thousand tricks, I have my one steadfast rule.

Thank you for watching this episode of “News Roundup.” See you next time.

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