Sinking Ship: CCP Military Promo Video Exposes “False Combat Capability” Again (Part 2)

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military has released a series of propaganda videos titled “Tempering”, claiming that the CCP military has been tempered into steel. The propaganda videos are full of political rhetoric imbued with party culture, incorporating some so-called “red history”, but mostly showcasing some training content of various branches of the current CCP military, revealing once again a “false combat capability”, including exercises involving amphibious landing, aircraft carrier, J-20 fighter jets, destroyers, submarines, and more.


The second episode of “Tempering” video (about 11 minutes and 53 seconds long) showcases the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps, claiming to have become a “new type of combat force”. The voiceover states that landing operations are still the most brutal battles, and to break through in complex situations, one must be fully prepared.

This indicates that the CCP fully understands the difficulty of implementing amphibious landing operations in the Taiwan Strait, and precisely because of its inadequate self-capabilities, it has been hesitant to take action. The video shows the CCP’s landing exercises, with helicopters, amphibious tanks, hovercraft, and a large number of soldiers landing on the beach by small boats.

CCP warships are susceptible to airstrikes and land-based anti-ship missile strikes; helicopters cannot evade individual air defense missiles; amphibious tanks and hovercraft struggle to deal with strong shore firepower and anti-tank missiles; the CCP may still have to rely on human wave tactics, but the survival rate of soldiers will be very low.

The voiceover in the video states: “When our bullets run out, we can fight with bayonets against the enemy; if we don’t have bayonets, we have fists, teeth, every ‘part’ of us can be used as a weapon.”

The CCP military’s propaganda slogans are far from modern warfare. CCP soldiers are likely to be preparing to land on Taiwan in large numbers, but they also know there will be no reinforcements or supplies; once the bullets are gone and there is no escape, they will have no choice but to surrender.

In the landing scene of the video, groups of CCP Navy Marine Corps soldiers surprisingly charged in front of armored vehicles, completely defying common sense.

The third episode of “Tempering” video begins by showing an amphibious combined arms battalion of the army conducting landing beach assault exercises. As soon as the amphibious tanks arrive at the beach, soldiers hastily open the car doors, step into the water, cross the sand, blindly rush forward, while the amphibious tanks fall behind. Whether it’s the CCP’s navy marine corps or the army’s amphibious units, they lack basic concepts of amphibious landing.

The third episode of “Tempering” video (around 5 minutes and 50 seconds) showcases the Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning and the J-15 jet taking off from the deck, with two onboard personnel mimicking the gestures of US carrier-based aircraft catapu…

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