Angeles Chan’s concert in Macau encounters lukewarm response, mistakenly says “October 1st” as “May 1st”

Renowned Chinese singer Na Ying, who had been silent for some time, held a concert in Macau on October 5th. Despite seemingly being fully prepared before the concert, even going to a temple to pray for good luck and to prevent any mishaps, Na Ying still encountered various mishaps on stage, most notably mistaking “eleven” for “May Day” and not realizing her error, prompting the audience to correct her, sparking discussions among netizens.

On October 6th, Na Ying’s two-day concert in Macau finally concluded. During this concert, despite Na Ying changing into six sets of high-end custom designer outfits to exude her presence, the event was still plagued with various incidents.

Firstly, while singing along with the fans, Na Ying noticed some audience members not singing along. She pointed at them and asked, “Why aren’t you singing?”

Faced with an unexpected awkward silence, netizens speculated about the underlying reasons: some believed that the audience was unfamiliar with the songs, making it hard to connect; others suggested that this could be a shift in modern audience participation, more inclined towards expressing themselves through social media rather than live interaction.

However, the attention of many involuntarily shifted to the unresolved feud between Na Ying and another singer, Dao Lang. The dispute between Na Ying and Dao Lang had sparked widespread discussions years ago.

As a veteran in the music industry, Na Ying had once questioned Dao Lang’s “down-to-earth” musical style and market impact in a music competition, stating that “Dao Lang’s songs, both lyrically and composition-wise, are too outdated.” This statement had caused a significant controversy at the time, linking their names closely together and making their feud a “unsolved mystery” for many.

Last year, Dao Lang’s new song “Rakshasa Sea City” went viral, leading to various interpretations, creating a huge buzz. It was believed that with “Rakshasa Sea City,” Dao Lang counterattacked Na Ying, resonating with many. Now, this unexpected awkward moment seemed to rekindle public sensitivity towards this past event. Some even speculated whether the audience’s silence was a silent protest against Na Ying’s previous comments.

Of particular note was Na Ying’s gesture of showing heart signs to the audience at the end of the concert. While some held up signs saying “Na Ying, you are the best female singer in the country,” suddenly, someone shouted, “Dao Lang! Dao Lang! I love you,” and the crowd began singing Dao Lang’s song “Time, Please Slow Down,” seemingly trying to assert dominance over Na Ying. Na Ying appeared bewildered and embarrassed.

Furthermore, before the concert ended, Na Ying noticed some people leaving, and she bluntly said, “Don’t leave, I haven’t finished singing yet,” eliciting laughter from the audience.

One aspect that some Chinese fans found unacceptable was Na Ying’s statement on stage, saying, “This time coming to Macau for the concert, I hope everyone has a special and happy ‘May Day.'” Fans quickly corrected her, saying “Eleven,” but Na Ying seemingly remained unaware and did not apologize for the mistake, instead defending herself by saying, “Yes, I’m getting old, okay?”

Some Chinese netizens questioned Na Ying’s slip of the tongue: “Many foreigners know what ‘eleven’ stands for. Even if Na Ying misspoke, she should come forward and apologize, acknowledging her mistake rather than using her age as an excuse to cover it up.”

A netizen claiming to be in the know revealed that due to the poor turnout at Na Ying’s “I’m in Macau” concert, the organizers had paid people to fill the seats. The netizen also shared recruitment posts in the relevant comment section. However, the organizers have since dispelled these rumors.