Witness Fang Zheng of the June Fourth Massacre: The pursuit of freedom and democracy has never stopped.

Due to the emergence of authoritarian rule, people have been demanding freedom and democracy. It was 35 years ago when the Chinese Communist Party used violence to suppress the peaceful protests of students on Tiananmen Square, shocking both domestic and international audiences with the “June Fourth” incident.

Chairman Fang Zheng of the China Democracy Education Foundation, a witness to the Tiananmen Massacre, recently urged more compatriots in an interview with the Epoch Times to bravely speak out for the early realization of freedom and democracy on the mainland.

Fang said, “Our demand for freedom and democracy and our resistance against the CCP’s authoritarian rule have never ceased! Under the protection of the American legal system, we must overcome our fear of the CCP and dare to express our strongest opposition. This is what we can do and what we should do!”

Reflecting on the passing of 35 years since June 4, 1989, Fang expressed his regret, “Many of us from the ‘June Fourth’ generation have been gradually leaving this world in recent years… Has ‘June Fourth’ grown farther from us, or has 35 years been too long? But for us, the victims of the ‘Tiananmen Square Massacre’ by the CCP, the memories remain deeply engraved!”

Fang pointed out, “The disintegration of the CCP both worries and heartens me. I worry that with the passing of the older generation, amidst the authoritarian political environment of the CCP, the younger generation’s understanding of the history of the ‘June Fourth’ Tiananmen Massacre is diminishing. But I am heartened by the numerous problems within the CCP regime, the crisis-ridden situation, the widespread discontent at home, and the simmering popular anger.”

Overseas, there is no information blockade, making it easy for people to access the real situation in mainland China and see through the situation. On the contrary, due to brainwashing by the CCP, many people in China exhibit numbness and passivity.

Fang remarked, “But how long will the process of ‘disintegration of the CCP’ take? Three years, five years, ten years, twenty years? All are possible. It depends on the domestic situation, the psychological state of the Chinese people, the methods employed by the regime, as well as the international environment and the play of external forces. Among these factors, the choice of the Chinese people themselves is the most important. If the people in China continue to be numb, without awakening or a spirit of resistance, lacking courage, it will definitely not work.”

He emphasized, “Certainly, for our generation, every extra day the CCP remains in power feels too long.”

In 2023, the APEC Summit was held in San Francisco, and there was a direct clash between two opposing camps overseas, with increasingly intense collisions between the two forces. Fang said, “On one side, there are those who support the CCP, whether genuinely or superficially, those bought off by the Chinese government; on the other side, there are people like us, who are self-aware, ideologically driven, opposed to and resisting the Xi Jinping regime.”

“At this critical moment, it is surprising that there are still people being bought off or obstinately standing on the sinking ship of the CCP?! The courage of the public to speak out and confront the pro-CCP individuals head-on is admirable! It is highly commendable! I hope to spread the spirit and courage of direct opposition, rallying more people to our side.”

Expressing demands for freedom and democracy overseas is certainly much less risky than within China. If people lack the courage to speak out abroad, how can we hope for courage from those inside the country? We must courageously raise our voices!

The founding spirit and fundamental values of the United States have always been supportive of democracy and human rights in China, whether from civil society or the government.

However, there have been significant differences in the attitudes of different administrations towards China at different stages. Fang said, “The United States has mostly pursued a policy of appeasement towards the CCP, driven by national interests, making concessions to the Chinese government. We often criticize the United States for being too accommodating, which poses a danger by nurturing the CCP regime.”

Fang added, “The short-sightedness of U.S. policy is for immediate economic gain, catering to the needs of voters. We may find it difficult to change this approach.”

Yet, it is heartening that the US, whether in politics or academia, is increasingly clear about the CCP’s tyranny, leading to a gradual shift towards a tougher stance, marking a relatively new change.

The strong US attitude towards the CCP is beneficial for toppling the CCP and facilitating democratic transformation in China. In the international arena, the US stance towards the CCP is one of the external powers we can utilize.

Hong Kong was once known as a beacon of freedom for China, a gateway to freedom, but now, due to the implementation of the National Security Law, Hong Kong has been mainlandized by the CCP, becoming a region under authoritarian rule.

Fang pointed out, “The CCP has cast aside its commitments, gradually eating away at Hong Kong’s freedoms. Bookstores in Hong Kong are closing down, many media outlets feel a sword hanging over their heads. Democratic figures and advocates for freedom from the intellectual community are fleeing Hong Kong in large numbers.”

Previously, the largest assembly commemorating “June Fourth” and the candlelight vigils were held in Hong Kong. Now, the candlelight vigil for “June Fourth” has been banned, with Victoria Park being closed on June 4 to prevent gatherings.

Fang stated, “We are aware that the flame of freedom in Hong Kong will not be extinguished, as many in Hong Kong continue their relentless resistance, paying a heavy price. The situation is too brutal. Therefore, Chinese people around the world must come out on this special occasion of ‘June Fourth,’ raise the candles of remembrance high, making the CCP feel how detested it truly is!”

Fang noted that Taiwan, with over 23 million people safeguarding freedom and democracy, has achieved several peaceful transitions in government, setting a good example for the future of democracy for the Chinese people.

The CCP’s intention to overthrow Taiwan has never wavered. With the use of threats and intimidation, as well as extensive infiltration and sending mainlanders to Taiwan, safeguarding democracy in Taiwan has not been easy for its people.

Fang said, “The performance of the Taiwanese people tells us that we cannot submit to the CCP regime!”

He emphasized, “Here, it is crucial to mention the role of the United States. Without American support, commitment, and guarantees, it would be incredibly difficult to uphold the value of Taiwan. Hence, we must remind the United States not to abandon its commitments to Taiwan, to give the people of Taiwan enough confidence. This will deter the CCP from taking reckless actions!”

Fang particularly highlighted that the CCP is closely watching US attitudes, whether regarding the democratic government in Taiwan, achieving democratic governance in mainland China, or any issues related to democracy and freedom in China, the United States is the most crucial foreign power.