Wang Youqun: Taking stock of the nine major murder cases in the CCP public security system.

On October 1st, the 75th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule, three gunshots from the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau in Hunan Province shocked the world.

Recently, domestic and foreign media have been discussing the endless suicide and murder cases under the rule of the CCP. Here, let’s take a look at the nine major murder cases in the CCP’s public security system in recent years.

On the morning of October 1st, during a flag-raising ceremony at the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau in Hunan Province, Deputy Commander Duan Peng of the Special Police Second Squadron suddenly shot at Bureau Chief Li Changyue. After reportedly firing two shots, Duan Peng shot himself to death. Due to the CCP’s information blockade, Li Changyue’s life or death is currently unknown.

Li Changyue has worked at the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department Criminal Investigation Brigade and the Chenzhou City Public Security Bureau, and currently serves as the Deputy Mayor, Party Committee Secretary, and Director of the Public Security Bureau in Shaoyang City.

Duan Peng, born in December 1987, graduated from Hunan Police College, stands at 1.92 meters tall, weighs 100 kilograms, and was awarded the title of “Outstanding Young Police Officer in National Public Security Organs.” In 2011, he participated in the first Shaolin-style fighting competition in Hunan Province and won the runner-up in the over 85-kilogram category.

On April 15, 2018, the “Huashang News” WeChat public account reported that on April 14, Bai Hao, Deputy Director of the Weiqiao Police Station of the Gaoling Sub-bureau of the Xi’an Public Security Bureau, drove back to his hometown of Baishiji, Yaohui Street Office, and shot and killed a man and a woman who had come to his house to ask for renovation fees from over ten years ago. The man died on the spot, and the woman was injured by a gunshot.

Around 8:30-40 in the evening, Bai Hao drove 10 kilometers from his hometown and returned to the Weiqiao Police Station where he worked, where he shot Deputy Director Guo and Police Officer Meng on duty. Subsequently, he shot himself.

According to a report by Jiemian News, Bai Hao was carrying two handguns when he shot the man and woman. Before returning to the police station, he threw one handgun at the Maichi at the west end of the bridge at the entrance of the village. The police have not disclosed why Bai Hao had two guns and committed the crimes in two different locations.

On December 13, 2014, Wang Wenjun, a police officer at the Longcheng Police Station in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, knocked down a peasant woman named Zhou Xiuyun while responding to a call and trampled on her.

Wang Wenjun trampled on Zhou Xiuyun for a full 23 minutes. During these 23 minutes, Zhou Xiuyun struggled incessantly until she lay still on the ground.

On January 29, 2015, the Hubei Tongji Forensic Medicine Appraisal Center issued an “Appraisal Report” stating that Zhou Xiuyun “died of acute respiratory and circulatory failure due to cervical injury caused by blunt force, including cervical fracture, intervertebral disc fracture, and spinal cord contusion, commonly known as a broken neck.”

After the incident, images and videos of Wang Wenjun assaulting and trampling on the peasant woman for 23 minutes were circulated on the internet, sparking a huge public outrage.

On November 10, 2016, the Intermediate People’s Court of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, sentenced Wang Wenjun to five years in prison for the crime of causing death by negligence and abuse of power.

On October 28, 2013, Hu Ping, a police officer in the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Pingnan County Public Security Bureau in Guangxi, carried a Type 64 handgun to Da Peng Town to assist police officers Liu Hua and Luo Zhongzheng from the Xinhua County Public Security Bureau in Hunan Province in investigating a case. Around 7 p.m., after the three had finished their work, they went to “Brother Restaurant” in Da Peng Town for dinner and drinks. After drinking, Hu Ping was intoxicated.

Around 9 p.m., Hu Ping took a car back to Pingnan County. When passing Xilang Street in Da Peng Town, Hu Ping asked to get off the car and caused a ruckus on the street. Around 10 p.m., Hu Ping pulled out his gun on the street and fired a shot, then entered the “Old Snail Powder Shop” on the roadside to buy milk tea. When the shop owner said there was no milk tea, Hu Ping, upon hearing this, hit the table with his gun, then fired a shot at the ceiling, and even aimed the gun at the heads of the customers eating noodles inside the shop.

When the shop owner’s pregnant wife, Wu Ying, said there was no milk tea again, Hu Ping shot at the shop owner, Cai Shiyong, injuring his right shoulder. Seeing this, Wu Ying immediately called for help. Hu Ping fired two more shots at Wu Ying, hitting her head, arm, and chest. Wu Ying died due to severe head injury.

On February 17, 2014, Hu Ping was sentenced to death for the crime of intentional homicide by the Intermediate People’s Court of Guigang City, Guangxi. On July 22, Hu Ping was executed.

On July 26, 2022, Li Qiang, a police officer at the Muxixi Town Police Station in Muxichuan County, Sichuan Province, shot and injured Yang and her cousin at his residence, then drove to Huangdan Town in Muxichuan County, where he took Yang’s two children from their grandfather’s house to their grandmother’s house, and then killed them. Later, Li Qiang also killed the grandfather of the children who came rushing upon hearing the news and set fire to the house. Subsequently, Li Qiang fled in a car.

Yang’s husband was working abroad. Li Qiang had an improper relationship with Yang and when Yang wanted to break up, Li Qiang disagreed and in a fit of rage, injured two and killed three people.

On that day, Li Qiang was on duty as a police officer, equipped with a Type 92 pistol and 20 rounds of ammunition.

After the incident, on the morning of the 27th, the Muxichuan County Public Security Bureau issued a notice offering a reward of 100,000 yuan for the arrest of the perpetrator. Subsequently, a large-scale manhunt began.

On July 30, the police found Li Qiang’s body in the mountains of Huangdan Town in Muxichuan County. Li Qiang had died after falling off a cliff.

On the morning of September 20, 2004, at the request of Lu Liusheng, a court secretary at the Chuanhui District People’s Court in Zhoukou City, Henan Province, and Li Litian, a police officer at the Qi’yi Road Police Station, Cao Fei, Vice Director of the Qi’yi Road Police Station, Meng Junwei, Zhang San, and Xu Lei, several police officers took Li Shengli, a laid-off worker from the Sha Factory in Zhoukou City who had a quarrel with Lu Liusheng’s family, to the police station.

After being feasted by Lu Liusheng at noon, Cao Fei, Li Litian, Meng Junwei, Zhang San, Xu Lei, Jia Xuehui, Wang Haiyu, and others returned to the police station with Lu Liusheng and took turns beating Li Shengli.

After Li Shengli was beaten unconscious, Li Litian and Lu Liusheng proposed throwing Li Shengli downstairs to silence him.

Subsequently, Li Litian, Lu Liusheng, Meng Junwei, Zhang San, Xu Lei, and others carried Li Shengli to the third-floor women’s restroom of the police station and pushed him downstairs. Li Shengli, who fell from a height, could not be saved and died on the same day. According to forensic appraisal, Li Shengli died from a fall.

In April 2007, the Intermediate People’s Court of Zhoukou City sentenced Li Litian to death for the crime of intentional killing; sentenced Lu Liusheng to death with a two-year reprieve; and sentenced Cao Fei to life imprisonment. In Fugou County Court, Jia Xuehui, Meng Junwei, Xu Lei, and Zhang San were each sentenced to 8-12 years in prison for the crime of intentional killing.

On March 16, 2012, the last offender in this case, female police officer Wang Haiyu, was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

In the early morning of June 12, 2010, Wang Fengliang, Deputy Commander of the Criminal Police Brigade of Taibusi Banner in Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, shot and killed a family of three. It was reported that the deceased were the husband of Wang’s mistress and her parents.

The Taibu Temple Banner Public Security Bureau immediately responded and captured Wang Fengliang an hour later. During the arrest, the Director of the Taibu Temple Banner Public Security Bureau, Huo Shaomin, was shot and wounded by Wang Fengliang.

According to online introductions, Wang Fengliang, born on November 7, 1972, was honored with Second-Class and Third-Class Merit, regarded as an Excellent People’s Police Officer in the region, one of the top ten crime-solving experts in the League, an outstanding figure in cracking major cases in the League, an advanced worker in the fight against crime in the League, an outstanding law enforcement police officer in the League, and an excellent police officer in the bureau, and an excellent Communist Party member.

Who were the three people Wang Fengliang killed? Why did he commit the murders? Was he sentenced to death? The CCP has not released any information externally.

On February 5, 2008 (the 29th day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar), Guan Liuru, Director of the Economic and Technological Development Zone Public Security Sub-bureau in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, entered the Municipal Party Committee Office building with a gun, shot and killed Wang Zhiping, the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and a female tax bureau officer, and then shot himself.

According to mainland “Caixin” magazine, Guan Liuru was driven to “a murderous rage when his attempt to sell his position failed”.

On the night of March 20, 2015, Zhao Liping, the former director of the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, drove to Chifeng City, fired shots, killing his 37-year-old mistress, Li Hong. Before her death, Li had called the police, saying she was being pursued by Zhao Liping because she wanted to expose his corruption. Afterwards, Zhao Liping put Li’s body in the trunk of his car and fled, disposing of the body, burning it over ten kilometers away from the scene.

On February 28, 2017, Zhao Liping was sentenced to death by the Shanxi Higher People’s Court for the crimes of intentional homicide, corruption, illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, and illegal storage of explosives. He was executed on May 26 that same year.

Each of these cases has its specific reasons, but behind them lies a common cause, which is directly related to the theory and practice of the CCP.

The CCP’s founding ancestor, Karl Marx, called on Communist Party members worldwide to carry out “violent revolution”.

The process by which the CCP seizes power is called “revolutionary struggle”; after seizing power, the CCP must “continue the revolution”; and CCP leaders are known as “revolutionaries.”

What is a “revolution”? Simply put, it means taking a person’s life, or more bluntly, killing.

On January 7, 2011, Chinese historian Shen Zhihua gave a lecture on “Mao Zedong’s Visit to the Soviet Union” at the National Library in Beijing.

In November 1957, during Mao Zedong’s second visit to the Soviet Union and attendance at meetings with representatives of twelve socialist countries’ Communist and Workers’ Parties and 64 Communist and Workers’ Party representatives, when discussing how to fight imperialism, Mao Zedong said: “We could have a nuclear war; so what if we lose half the world’s population – 2.7 billion people – half would still be left. China has 600 million people – even if half of them died, 300 million would still remain; who could shake us?”

Professor Shen Zhihua said: “(Mao’s) statement left the whole room silent, many people did not understand, saying what had happened to Chairman Mao, to whom 300 million deaths were nothing, the people drinking tea afterwards were all talking about it; the General Secretary of Czechoslovakia was shaking as he held his coffee, saying China has 600 million people, while we only have 20 million, not understanding why.” “Afterwards, many Eastern European countries no longer followed China. This was a major reason.”

Professor Shen Zhihua’s lecture, published on January 13, 2011, on the People’s Daily Online – History and Culture Channel, was titled “Mao Zedong Talks about Nuclear War, Frightening Many: It’s Okay for China to Lose 300 Million People”.

Looking back at CCP history, the CCP fundamentally does not regard people as people; to the CCP, it doesn’t matter how many people die.

Mao Zedong was belligerent throughout his life and famously said, “Battle in the air, battle on the ground, battle against people; these are endless joys.”

After the CCP established its rule in 1949, Mao Zedong launched over 50 bloody and brutal political movements. Each political campaign involved the death of many people. Each political campaign for life or death was an “education of cruel struggle and ruthless strikes” for the Chinese people.

After decades of repeated brainwashing by dozens of political campaigns, a significant number of Chinese people have been injected with the toxic elements of belligerence.

In line with the philosophy of struggle is the education of hatred. Constantly cultivating deep-seated hatred among the Chinese people towards “hostile forces at home and abroad,” “biting down hate, biting down grudges, crushing hate into pieces and swallowing it; let hate take root and sprout.”

Regarding the CCP’s hatred education, there is a popular saying online: “Chinese people hate the United States in the morning, South Korea at noon, and Japan at night. Over time, make time to hate Taiwan, Singapore. In their dreams at night, hate Vietnam, the Philippines. Anti-Korean on Monday, anti-Japanese on Tuesday, anti-American on Wednesday, anti-Taiwanese independence on Thursday, anti-Hong Kong independence on Friday, anti-Tibet independence on Saturday, anti-Xinjiang independence on Sunday.”

The cumulative effects of hatred education have now become the major ideological root cause of various extreme acts of murder and suicide in China today.

For 75 years of CCP rule, it has maintained its hold on power through “the barrel of a gun” (the military) and “the handle of the knife” (the machinery of dictatorship), continually using coercive means to suppress freedom of belief, freedom of speech, legitimate and legal appeals, and dissenting voices.

Seventy-five years of high-pressure rule have made the CCP’s governance extremely rigid, inflexible, and stagnant, lacking flexibility and self-correction capabilities.

When all reasonable and legitimate remedies are ineffective, many people are forced to take desperate measures.

Throughout China’s traditional culture, there has always been an emphasis on respecting life, revering life, and cherishing life. The “Book of Changes” says, “The great virtue of heaven and earth is life.” The “Book of Documents” states: “Heaven and earth are the parents of all things; the people are the spirits of all things.”

However, since the CCP seized power, it has continuously brainwashed the Chinese people with the Western-imported Marxist-Leninist party culture that advocates violence, slaughter, and bloodshed, forcibly severing China’s tradition of cherishing life, distorting the minds of the Chinese people with a culture of struggle, hatred, and oppression, leading to countless instances of murders and suicides.

In today’s chaotic and troubled China, each individual’s life can only be safeguarded by fundamentally cleansing the CCP’s culture of disregard for life, returning to the historical tradition of respecting heaven and loving others, and avoiding the repetition of tragedies.