Sudden Cooling: Autumn Arrives Overnight in Chongqing and Other Areas, Snowfall in Inner Mongolia

As the “National Day” approaches in China, many areas are experiencing a drastic drop in temperature just before the holiday. In Inner Mongolia, snowfall has been reported with roads becoming icy. Some netizens commented: “Just yesterday we were wearing short sleeves, and today we need to put on our coats.”

According to the China Meteorological Administration, from September 26th to October 1st, a strong cold air mass will affect most parts of China, bringing strong winds, cooler temperatures, rain, and snow. Some areas in the northwest will also experience dust storms. The impact will mainly affect Xinjiang from the 26th to the 27th; thereafter, the cold air mass will move rapidly eastward and southward to affect central and eastern regions.

The drop in temperature is most noticeable in provincial capitals and municipalities. Xining saw a significant decrease, with temperatures dropping from nearly 26°C on September 27th to around 7°C by October 1st, a cumulative decrease of up to 19°C. Chongqing, which has been hot since September, will also see a cumulative drop of 18°C. On the 27th, the temperature was still scorching at 38°C, but by around October 1st, it is expected to drop to around 20°C, offering a transition from summer to autumn within a week.

In addition, Lanzhou, Xi’an, and Wuhan are forecasted to experience a cumulative temperature drop of 15°C or more; cities like Yinchuan, Changchun, Hohhot, and Guiyang will see decreases exceeding 13°C. Chengdu’s daily maximum temperature is also set to plummet dramatically, dropping to around 17.4°C by September 30th, with a cumulative decrease of over 10°C.

The Chinese Weather Network reported on September 30th that Chongqing’s Shapingba district, where it was still 36°C on September 29th, had dropped to 16.9°C, with temperatures remaining relatively low in the afternoon.

In the morning of the 30th, many residents had already changed into sweaters and long-sleeved outerwear. The topic “Chongqing’s Drastic Temperature Drop – Are You Ready?” trended online. Many netizens shared their experiences, from needing the air conditioning in the early night to reaching for blankets later on, feeling the sudden cold.

Due to the abrupt change in weather, some netizens expressed forgetfulness about what clothing thickness corresponds to 20 degrees. Comments like, “Are you wearing short sleeves, long sleeves, or down jackets today?” and “Please advise on what to wear today; going out in a down jacket might draw laughs” were seen.

Some remarked, “I went out in a skirt in the morning, and my legs felt numb; hurriedly put on a sweater.” Others shared warnings, “Better find your clothes now; yesterday I nearly froze in the rain in Chengdu.” Observations about the extreme shift from summer to winter in Chongqing were made, with sentiments like “Yesterday I wore short sleeves, and today I have to wear a coat” expressing the abrupt change.

As per the Chongqing Meteorological Observatory’s forecast, due to the widespread impact of a massive cold air mass, temperatures in Chongqing on September 30th to October 1st will significantly drop with accompanying widespread rainfall, leading to an average daily temperature decrease of 10°C to 14°C, with the maximum temperature on October 1st expected to fall below 21°C.

Additionally, netizens shared videos showing heavy snowfall in Inner Mongolia cities like Hulunbuir, Ergun, Genhe, and Manzhouli on September 29th, turning the landscape into a winter wonderland, providing a stark contrast to the autumn scenery.

Residents were caught off guard by the snow, with one netizen describing the scene as “7 centimeters of snow on the ground and still snowing.” Another netizen noted even heavier snowfall in Manzhouli.

A visitor from Hebei expressed her excitement about unexpectedly experiencing the first snowfall while visiting the unique landscape of the Aoluguya Scenic Area in Inner Mongolia. Despite the sudden change in weather, she found the experience to be awe-inspiring and worth capturing through photographs, making her trip truly worthwhile.

However, concerns were raised by netizens about whether the local residents were prepared for the cold, questioning if heating facilities were available for them during this abrupt weather shift.