Mainland Affairs Council: CCP’s totalitarian regime has no authority to criticize Taiwan’s political system.

In response to the Chinese Communist Party’s Taiwan Affairs Office’s claim that China’s development process embodies people’s democracy, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is smearing the mainland by opposing democracy against authoritarianism. The Mainland Affairs Council of the Republic of China (Taiwan) stated that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses “democracy” to cover up its essence of absolute oppression and distorts facts to criticize Taiwan’s democratic politics, intensifying cross-strait confrontation.

CCP Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson Zhu Fenglian stated during a routine press conference on the 25th that people’s democracy throughout the development process is one of the essential requirements of China’s modernization. People’s democracy throughout the development process is described as “democracy covering the whole chain, all aspects, and complete coverage.” The DPP authorities maliciously attack the mainland under the guise of democracy to oppose authoritarianism in pursuit of the party’s own interests, manipulating anti-China and pro-Taiwan sentiments, escalating cross-strait hostility, and harming the interests and well-being of the Taiwanese people, which deviates from the essence of democracy.

In response, the Mainland Affairs Council of the Republic of China criticized that it is widely known that the CCP insists on “one-party rule,” and its regime is not bestowed by all the people through democratic election procedures. Although it claims to achieve so-called “people’s democratic dictatorship” through the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, both the representatives in the National People’s Congress and members of the Political Consultative Conference are controlled and selected by the CCP, rendering the National People’s Congress a rubber stamp and the Political Consultative Conference a democratic facade.

The Mainland Affairs Council of the Republic of China further criticized that the Chinese mainland people lack channels to participate in public affairs and have no influence on policy-making. “We believe that under the comprehensive surveillance and high-pressure rule of the CCP, the so-called ‘people’s democracy throughout the development process’ is actually ‘people’s suffering throughout the process.'”

The Mainland Affairs Council of Taiwan emphasized that over the past nearly 30 years, the Republic of China (Taiwan) has experienced three changes in ruling parties and eight direct presidential elections, becoming a mature democratic country highly respected and praised by the international community. However, the CCP not only conceals its absolute oppressive nature under the guise of “democracy,” but also shamelessly distorts facts to criticize the normal operation of Taiwan’s democratic politics, exacerbating cross-strait tensions.

The Mainland Affairs Council of Taiwan called on the CCP to reflect on its institutional flaws, promote political reform, implement democracy, and protect human rights. Recognizing the differences in systems between the two sides of the strait and respecting the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan will contribute to fostering a positive interaction between the two sides.