Deputy Head of the General Administration of Customs of China, Sun Yuning, Falls From Office

The Deputy Director of the General Administration of Customs of the Chinese Communist Party, Sun Yuning, has been investigated for serious violations of discipline and law. This year, the number of senior officials who have fallen from grace in the central management has reached 42.

According to the report on September 24 by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission of the Chinese Communist Party, Sun Yuning, a member of the Party Committee of the General Administration of Customs and the Deputy Director, is currently under disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

Sun Yuning’s last public appearance was reported on September 14, according to the General Administration of Customs.

Public records show that Sun Yuning was born in Shulan, Jilin in July 1965. He joined the workforce in August 1985 and has worked in the customs system for a long time, serving in various positions such as Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Statistics Division of the Tax Statistics Bureau of Changchun Customs, Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Statistics Division of Changchun Customs, Deputy Director of the Cargo Supervision Department of Changchun Customs.

In 1998, Sun Yuning was appointed as the Customs Chief of Changbai Customs under Changchun Customs, Deputy Chief of Changchun Customs in 2004, the Chief of Manzhouli Customs in 2012, the Chief of Zhengzhou Customs in 2015, and the Chief of Dalian Customs in 2018.

Since October 2020, Sun Yuning has served as the Deputy Director and Party Committee member of the General Administration of Customs until the current investigation.

The General Administration of Customs is a direct agency of the State Council of China and holds a ministerial-level ranking. According to the regulations on the functions, internal organizations, and staffing of the General Administration of Customs released in 2018, there is one Director, four Deputy Directors, and one Director of the Political Department (equivalent to Deputy Minister level).

Following Sun Yuning’s downfall, the number of senior central officials who have been publicly investigated this year by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission has risen to 42.