Car crashes into roadside vegetable stand in Gansu, at least 3 dead and 7 injured.

Following a major traffic accident at Zhuzhou Lusong Bridge in Hunan Province, another crash occurred at a crossroad near a residential area in Jinyang Town, Liangzhou District, Wuwei, Gansu Province on the morning of September 23. A car crashed into a roadside vegetable stand, resulting in at least 3 deaths and 7 injuries.

Online videos show the vegetable stand in chaos, with a white car smashing into it. At least four people were lying motionless on the ground, with several others sitting injured, including an elderly person with head injuries.

According to a report by the Xiao Xiang Morning Post, a witness, Mr. Zhang, stated that the accident happened at a crossroad near the residential area where vendors usually set up their vegetable stalls along the road.

“I was at a supermarket about two to three hundred meters away, and I saw the car just go through. Later, the front of the car was already stuck in the trench,” Mr. Zhang said. He rushed to the scene and saw several injured people on the ground, mostly vendors and customers. Additionally, Mr. Zhang heard security personnel call for emergency services, mentioning the need for four to five ambulances.

Local internet user “Shengxu Mountain Gentleman” commented, “I was shocked when returning to the residential area in the morning, seeing a bunch of ambulances.”

Following the incident, the scene was cordoned off.

According to a notification from the Liangzhou Sub-bureau of Wuwei Public Security Bureau in Gansu Province, at 9:01 am on September 23, Xiao (male, 34 years old, resident of Liangzhou District) was driving a white car on Yao Gou Yi Road in Liangzhou District from west to east. At the north gate of Donghu Mingyuan, 100 meters to the east, the vehicle went out of control due to a sudden illness, leading to 3 deaths and 7 injuries. Currently, the driver, Xiao, has been restrained. However, the notification did not provide detailed information on the casualties.

The accident has sparked attention online. Many netizens lamented, “What’s happening today, after Zhuzhou, now Gansu. Both incidents involved crashes into crowds.” “Nowadays, the requirements for obtaining a driver’s license are too low. Back in my day, I had to take the driving test three or four times. I wonder how many points you need to pass.” “Today, there were two major traffic accidents, one in the south and one in the north.”

Some netizens questioned the notification’s claim that the driver lost control due to a sudden illness, with one remarking, “There was also a sudden illness at a school gate in Jiangsu.”