Inner Mongolia: Car Driving in Wrong Direction Crashes into Harvester, Multiple People Injured and Killed

On September 18th, a traffic accident occurred near a farm market in Ar Horqin Banner, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, resulting in injuries and casualties among several students on board.

According to a video posted by netizens, a small car and a harvester were parked on the side of the road, with part of the small car colliding with the bottom of the harvester. The video uploader claimed that the small car was suspected of driving in the opposite direction and crashed into the stationary harvester.

The Xiaoxiang Morning Post reported that officials from the Education Bureau of Ar Horqin Banner stated that the accident occurred while parents were driving students to school.

The Xiaoxiang Morning Post journalist contacted the relevant departments of the political department of the Public Security Bureau of Ar Horqin Banner regarding this incident, and the staff stated that the accident is still under investigation and the specific details are not known.

Ar Horqin Banner Hospital indicated that the injured individuals have been transferred to medical facilities in Chifeng City for treatment. Staff from the local funeral home received one deceased person from the scene of the accident, identified as an approximately 18-year-old student.

However, according to local internet sources, the cause of the accident was attributed to “drunk driving” by the driver, who was carrying “a total of four students.” “They said the driver was a teacher from the Second High School.” The accident occurred on a road near the “New City Farm Market.”

Netizen “Yanzi21408” mentioned: “Three people died at the scene, two survived.” Another netizen, “Guoji Yi ✔,” commented: “The students were from the Second High School, all five of them died. The small car was speeding in the wrong direction, and they said the harvester had been parked there unattended for quite some time.”

Netizen “Tu Kalala” also stated: “All 5 people died in the accident.”