14 Chinese Company Executives Succumb to Illness Successively, 8 of Whom are Under 60 Years Old.

For over four years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been covering up the pandemic. Epoch Times has gathered and compiled information on the deaths of numerous prominent figures in the CCP in various fields such as party, government, military, police, scientific research, education, and arts. It was found that many of them were CCP members, and they all shared the common trait of serving the CCP’s existence, promoting its ideology, and whitewashing its evil rule. Their causes of death are often labeled by authorities as “ineffective treatment due to illness,” without specifying the exact diseases. Many of these individuals were elites in their respective fields, but unfortunately, their talents, efforts, and contributions were misdirected. Since the establishment of the CCP, it has caused the abnormal deaths of 80 million people, and continues to persecute kind-hearted Chinese people, accumulating a heavy debt of blood. The law of karma dictates that good and evil will be repaid; the pandemic is targeting the Communist Party, and the CCP regime is on the verge of collapse. All those who have stood with the CCP will ultimately become sacrifices of the party. It is wise not to stand under a crumbling wall, and the true path to self-preservation is to quickly dissociate from the CCP, its affiliated organizations, and its teams.

From early August to mid-September this year, within approximately 40 days, at least 14 company executives in mainland China have passed away due to illness, with 8 of them being under the age of 60 and at least 9 being CCP members. The deceased include Huang Ligang (51 years old), Chairman and General Manager of Shanghai Tower Network Technology, Xian Yang (51 years old), Chairman of Hengding Industry, Tian Yifeng (50 years old), Executive Vice President of Shentong Metro Company, and Qiao Shibol (69 years old), former General Manager of China Resources Group.

Shanghai Tower Network Technology Co., Ltd. announced on September 11 that Huang Ligang, one of the company’s actual controllers, chairman, and general manager, passed away at the age of 51 due to ineffective medical treatment. Huang Ligang, born in January 1973, with a college degree, previously served as the general manager of Changzhou Jinsi Network Technology Co., Ltd., and concurrently held positions as director of Hean Investment Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Lefeng Travel Consultation Co., Ltd., and Beijing Yuen Media Information Co., Ltd.

Xian Yang, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Director, and major shareholder of Hengding Industry, passed away on September 10 at the age of 51 due to ineffective medical treatment. According to his classmates, Xian Yang passed away from a lung disease. Born in 1973, Xian Yang graduated from Sichuan Provincial People’s Police School in 1994, studied law at Southwest University of Political Science and Law from 1994 to 1997, and established Hengding Industry in 2000 after serving in the Panzhihua City Police Force and Customs Department, receiving the third-class merit award from the CCP Ministry of Public Security.

Hu Guoquan, director and chief accountant of Sichuan Great Atlantic Welding Materials Co., Ltd., passed away on September 5 at the age of 58 due to illness. Hu Guoquan had previously served as the director of the finance department, head of the financial audit center, and director of the board office of Sichuan Great Atlantic Welding Materials Co., Ltd., as well as the general manager of Zigong Great Atlantic Welding Wire Products Co., Ltd.

Li Shuo, a member of the CCP and technical head of Beijing Construction Resources Recycling Company, professor-level senior engineer, deputy general manager, and vice chairman of the China Circular Economy Association, suddenly fell ill during official duties and passed away in Beijing on August 24 at the age of 52. Li Shuo had overseen the completion of a housing construction technology project for the CCP Ministry of Housing, been in charge of five technological projects for Beijing Construction Group, and participated in the formulation of various policies and regulations for the Beijing Municipal Government.

Tian Yifeng, a member of the CCP and Executive Vice President of Shentong Metro Company, passed away on August 23 at the age of 50 due to a sudden illness. Tian Yifeng had previously served as the vice general manager of the Second Operations Limited Company of Shanghai Metro, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Shentong Rail Transit Research Consulting Limited Company, and Chairman of Shanghai Shenkai Public Transit Operations Management Co., Ltd.

Liu Yejun, a non-employee representative supervisor of the 8th Supervisory Board of Xiamen Tebao Bioengineering Co., Ltd., passed away on August 20 at the age of 51 due to illness. Liu Yejun had previously worked as a clerk at the Tax Bureau of Tonghua County, Jilin Province, and deputy finance director of Dongbao Industrial Group.

Chen Yu, a member of the CCP and manager of the organizational department of Guotou Zhonglu Human Resources Department (Party Committee), worker director of the 8th Board of Directors of Guotou Zhonglu Fruit Juice Co., Ltd., passed away on August 13 at the age of 43 due to illness. Chen Yu had previously served as the head of the party and mass work department of Guotou Zhonglu Fruit Juice Co., Ltd., and also held the position of Deputy County Governor in Ning County, Gansu Province.

Zheng Jihu, a member of the CCP and Executive Deputy Director of the National Intelligent Internet-connected Car Innovation Center, general manager of Guoqi (Beijing) Intelligent Internet-connected Car Research Institute Co., Ltd., passed away on August 10 at the age of 53 due to a sudden heart attack. Zheng Jihu had previously served as Deputy Director of the Intelligence Institute of the China Automotive Technology Research Center, Director of the Data Resource Center of the China Intelligent Research Center, General Manager of the Beijing Catalk Data Company, Party Secretary and General Manager of Zhongqi Data Company, and Chairman of Zhongqi Research Intelligent Internet-connected Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

Zhang Yongjie, former CEO of China Computer News, passed away on September 14 due to illness related to lung cancer. Zhang Yongjie’s IT career began in 1995 when he left his teaching position at Renmin University of China to join China Computer News; he had held the positions of deputy editor-in-chief, senior deputy editor-in-chief, and CEO at the newspaper. He later joined Huaqi Information, Dunhuang Network, and other companies.

Yang Zhiqiang, a member of the CCP, Party Secretary, and Chairman of Shandong Union Chemical Group, passed away on September 5 due to illness. Yang Zhiqiang had previously served as a representative of the Shandong Provincial People’s Congress and was awarded the title of Model Worker by the Shandong Provincial Government in April 2008.

Suo Xinzhong, a member of the CCP and former Deputy Manager of Nanjing Film Theater Company, old Red Army (receiving ministerial-level medical benefits), passed away in Nanjing on September 1 due to illness.

Jiang Bingquan, a member of the CCP and former Party Secretary, Chairman, and General Manager of Tianjin Steel Pipe Company, passed away on August 29 due to illness.

Wang Qimin, a member of the CCP and former Assistant General Manager and Deputy Chief Geologist of Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd., passed away on August 19 due to illness. The authorities’ obituary referred to him as an “excellent CCP member.”

Qiao Shibol, a member of the CCP and former director and general manager of China Resources Group, passed away on August 5 due to a sudden illness at the age of 69. Qiao Shibol had previously served as Director of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Department of the CCP (now the Ministry of Commerce), General Manager of the Human Resources Department of China Resources (Group), Chairman of China Resources Petrochemical (Group) Co., Ltd.; from January 2009 to January 2016, he was the General Manager (Deputy Ministerial level) of China Resources Group.

Epoch Times published a solemn statement on the Quitting the CCP website, declaring that the end of the Communist Party is approaching. However, this evil party (cult) has committed heinous crimes against sentient beings and deities throughout history, and God will certainly hold this demon accountable. If one day God instructs someone to hold the Communist Party accountable, they will not spare those who staunchly support the evil party.

Under the CCP’s long-term atheist indoctrination, many Chinese people do not believe in karma. However, for members of the CCP organization and those who ideologically align with the CCP, God will take their lives in various ways, including illnesses and pandemics.

Since the new outbreak of the CCP virus (COVID-19) in December 2022, numerous CCP members, officials, and experts, scholars, and celebrities who support the CCP have passed away. Multiple pieces of evidence indicate that the pandemic is still prevalent in China, causing a significant number of deaths. However, the authorities prohibit further nucleic acid testing and prevent the handling of the pandemic.

As early as March 2020, at the onset of the pandemic, Master Li Hongzhi warned in an article titled “Rationality”: “The current ‘CCP virus’ (Wuhan pneumonia) pandemic has a purpose and target. It has come to eliminate the evil party members and those who walk with the CCP.” Master Li Hongzhi pointed out, “Stay away from the CCP, do not stand with them, because behind it is a red devil, displaying thuggish behavior and committing all kinds of evil deeds. God is about to eradicate it, and those who stand with it will be eliminated.”

Master Li Hongzhi also indicated how people can navigate through this pandemic: “People should sincerely repent to God, acknowledge their wrongdoings, and hope to reform. This is the solution, the elixir of life.”