German warship passes through Taiwan Strait: Taiwanese Foreign Minister welcomes countries defending freedom of navigation.

On September 13, a German navy frigate and a supply ship each traversed the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Lin Chia-lung expressed gratitude during a meeting with German lawmakers on the 16th, emphasizing that the Taiwan Strait is an international waterway, welcoming countries to safeguard freedom of navigation in the Taiwan Strait.

It was reported that the two German warships’ passage through the Taiwan Strait marked the first time in 22 years that German navy vessels navigated the Taiwan Strait. Rear Admiral Axel Schulz, commander of the German naval task force, confirmed on the 16th in Manila, “We did indeed pass through the Taiwan Strait and exercise our freedom of navigation. We have every right to pass through because it is international waters.”

Minister Lin Chia-lung shared on Facebook that Taiwan-Germany relations have made rapid progress lately. Firstly, the commencement of construction at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s (TSMC) Dresden plant in Germany in August this year. Secondly, the recent passage of German warships through the Taiwan Strait after a 22-year hiatus, demonstrating through actions that the Taiwan Strait is an international waterway protected by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Taiwan wholeheartedly welcomes countries defending freedom of navigation in the Taiwan Strait.

Prior to this, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning claimed that Beijing “firmly opposes” the passage of German navy vessels through the Taiwan Strait, arguing that such actions undermine China’s “territorial sovereignty and security.”

Minister Lin Chia-lung welcomed German parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee members Michael Müller and Andreas Larem to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Both lawmakers are members of the ruling Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Minister Lin expressed gratitude to the two lawmakers for advocating for Taiwan in the German parliament, discussing topics such as China’s rise, risk reduction in Europe, and exchanging perspectives.

Minister Lin stated that Taiwan’s strategic location in the first island chain often exposes it to mixed warfare tactics from China, enabling Taiwan to closely monitor China’s activities. He expressed willingness to share Taiwan’s observations and experiences and emphasized the importance of building stronger cooperative relationships with democratic European countries to address challenges posed by China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

In Germany’s “China Strategy” released in July last year, it emphasized the vital importance of Taiwan Strait security for regional peace and stability, as well as supporting Taiwan’s pragmatic participation in international organizations. Minister Lin conveyed his appreciation to the two lawmakers and expressed hopes for Germany to continue maintaining a pro-Taiwan stance in its evolving China strategy.

Lastly, Minister Lin mentioned to the lawmakers that the current Representative of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Germany, Shieh Chih-wei, is a friend he has known for over 30 years. Shieh often shares insights about Germany, its culture, technology, and democracy, which Lin greatly admires. He eagerly looks forward to the opportunity to visit Germany in the future.