Hubei Sky Surprises with “Phoenix Dancing in the Nine Heavens”, Sparks Discussion.

On the morning of September 9th, a spectacular phenomenon called “Phoenix Dancing in the Nine Heavens” appeared in the sky above Huangshi City, Hubei Province, capturing the attention of local residents. The residents took photos of the scene and shared them online, sparking discussions across the internet.

According to reports from Jimo News, a sports enthusiast named Mr. Ming from Yangxin County is used to going for a morning run every day. On the morning of the 9th, at 6 o’clock, Mr. Ming went out for his usual run and accidentally fell. As he got up, he was astonished to see a huge cloud in the sky resembling a phoenix spreading its wings as if dancing in the sky.

“Looking up at this scene in the sky was truly awe-inspiring!” Mr. Ming said. At that moment, the sun had just risen and was shining on the clouds, creating the image of a golden phoenix. The magnificent sight reminded him of a poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, “The great roc rises with the same wind for a day, soaring ninety thousand li straight up.” Mr. Ming immediately took out his phone to capture this beautiful scene and shared it online.

According to Mr. Ming, the entire process lasted approximately 10 seconds. The distinct outline of the phoenix was visible, flying towards the sun, presenting the real portrayal of “Phoenix Dancing in the Nine Heavens.”

The photo of “Phoenix Dancing in the Nine Heavens” sparked discussions online. Many internet users commented: “Although it’s beautiful, it’s too hot on sunny days, can it rain a bit to cool down faster?” “This photo is 99.9% similar to the one I took in Hechuan, Chongqing on August 1st. After taking that photo, Hechuan has been experiencing high temperatures since then.” “No wonder it’s so hot, I’m nearly melting.” “So beautiful, I hope there isn’t any bad news.” “Wind, rain, thunder, lightning, earthquakes, etc., all have corresponding collective spiritual operations.” “There might be an earthquake.”

Prior to this event, in November 2019 during the Hong Kong anti-extradition protests, a giant “Phoenix Cloud” also appeared in the sky of Hong Kong, reflecting the setting sun like a phoenix bathed in fire. Hong Kong residents interpreted it as a symbol of the city’s impending “rebirth through fire.”

(Screenshot from a webpage)