Volunteers report child abduction, someone in Yunnan introduces minors to be surrogate mothers.

On September 1st, civilian anti-trafficking volunteer “Shang Guanzhengyi” reported that someone in Baoshan, Yunnan, was suspected of introducing minors for surrogacy, sparking attention online. The topic of “Shang Guanzhengyi reporting someone suspected of introducing minors for surrogacy” trended on Weibo.

According to the WeChat chat records released by “Shang Guanzhengyi” on Weibo, one person asked, “Can you take minors? How much? Some have already given birth to children.” Another person replied, “Even if a minor can earn a million, you can’t do it,” and said, “Even with strong connections to a certain company, if it involves a minor, everything has to be done properly.”

“Shang Guanzhengyi” stated that the other party provided several contact methods, with two of the phone numbers belonging to Baoshan, Yunnan, urging the authorities in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province to pay attention to the matter.

On the 2nd, according to Jinmu News, a person who provided clues to “Shang Guanzhengyi” stated that he had been undercover in a surrogacy WeChat group for a long time and discovered on the afternoon of the 1st that someone in the group was slandering “Shang Guanzhengyi.” He opened his chat history with the person and found that he had previously interacted with him; the person was a surrogacy intermediary who had provided him with information about several surrogate women, some of whom were under 18 years old.

“Shang Guanzhengyi” also told Jinmu News that he had contacted the man suspected of introducing minors for surrogacy and advised him to surrender. At the same time, he also provided the relevant information to the Baoshan police in Yunnan.

“Shang Guanzhengyi” had previously exposed illegal surrogacy and hospitals’ involvement in buying and selling birth certificates, but the exposure did not bring about substantial changes.

In an article published on August 26, “Shang Guanzhengyi” reported that two companies in Qingdao were suspected of engaging in illegal surrogacy activities.

The article stated that the two companies in Qingdao – Chunyun Test-tube Baby Consultation Co., Ltd. and Meike Biotechnology Co., Ltd., are under the same legal entity, Cong. The two companies operate illegal surrogacy under the guise of test-tube baby services, undertaking surrogacy and selling birth certificates nationwide. The cooperating hospitals are located in Liaoning, Jiangsu, Shandong, and other provinces.

“Shang Guanzhengyi” revealed that the surrogacy companies nationwide seek clients and surrogate mothers, the biotech companies arrange embryo implantation, and hospitals assist in forging information to complete childbirth and issue birth certificates, ensuring the legitimacy of the babies’ identities.

However, “Shang Guanzhengyi” stated in a post on the afternoon of the 2nd that since the public report in Qingdao on August 26, no unit has contacted him to request evidence and clues. He wondered who he could provide his valuable information to.

The news has sparked discussions online. Some netizens questioned, “Why is the official response silent now?” Another netizen replied, “Think about what kind of people would use surrogacy.” “They are waiting for people to forget about this issue, just like the nuclear waste from the tanker.”

Some netizens said, “I don’t believe there isn’t a protective umbrella behind this.”

“People with a bit of social experience will know that this is a mature industry chain. Without insiders, just relying on middlemen won’t accomplish anything.”

“Minors, surrogacy – each of these words is familiar, but when combined, it’s truly chilling. Are there really no regulations in place? Besides generating buzz, isn’t this completely disregarding the lives of women?”

“This is terrifying.” “There’s always something new that pushes my limits…”

“Surrogacy? Minors? These people can really do anything for money.”