Duck befriends big Newfoundland dog after losing all “family”

After losing all his siblings, the duck Olaf and a Newfoundland puppy named Sven established a beautiful friendship in a heartwarming story.

They created incredible bonds and playful scenes on their owner’s farm, which were captured in a children’s picture book titled “Adventures of Biss and Olee.”

During the lockdown period in 2020, Olaf and his siblings were taken in by a family of farmers in Oklahoma, where they lived happily together until tragedy struck. Due to the cold weather in March at that time, the ducklings initially stayed indoors until they grew their feathers.

Jessie Vallier, 35, told Epoch Times, “They actually lived in my husband’s office for almost a month before we moved them outside.”

She added, “Everything was fenced off and well-protected, but we are pretty sure a coyote found a weak spot, and all the ducks except Olaf were eaten.”

Jessie Vallier, a horse trainer and riding coach, mentioned her family’s readiness to help rescue animals at any time, showing their compassion for vulnerable creatures.

At the same time, as this couple decided to adopt the three-week-old ducklings, a five-month-old puppy from Nebraska also caught their attention. During the pandemic, the puppy’s owner was struggling, so the Vallier family welcomed Sven to their farm in Broken Arrow.

“We never turn away animals in need,” Mrs. Vallier, a horse trainer and riding instructor, stated.

A couple of weeks after losing his siblings, Olaf found an unexpected companion in Sven before the Vallier couple could even think of a solution. The duck started showing interest in the big dog, and soon they became inseparable friends.

Mrs. Vallier believed that their bond truly sparked when she saw them playing together in a children’s swimming pool one day, revealing their deep connection.

“Sven was in the pool, and Olaf was with him. I felt like from that moment, Olaf was like, ‘Oh, you like the water; we’re the same, we’re friends.’ Honestly, from that moment on, they’ve been the best of friends.”

However, the friends have distinct personalities, Mrs. Vallier noted. Olaf, a Rouen duck, is described as assertive and opinionated, taking charge of managing the farm.

“If it’s concerned about a chicken or even a dog, it will drive danger away from them. It’s like a powerful little duck who feels the need to take care of everyone,” she explained.

On the other hand, Sven is depicted as a gentle giant, very lovable and amiable, getting along well with both children and animals.

“It’s never excited. It will run around energetically for a bit, then after a couple of laps, it gets tired and wants to lay down,” his owner said.

The intimate relationship between Olaf and Sven is heartwarming. Olaf shows great care for his friend, often nuzzling and grooming Sven, showcasing their affection.

“It’s like he’s always pecking at him. But he’ll also sit next to him and scratch Sven’s fur with his bill, making a rustling noise. Sven drools a lot, and Olaf enjoys wiping his mouth. He extends his whole bill into Sven’s cheeks, like brushing his teeth for him,” Mrs. Vallier described.

The joyful duo even plays games like catch and enjoys roughhousing together.

“We’ll throw a ball to Sven, and the duck will chase after it with him. If they tumble, Sven will get up and run, and the duck will quickly catch up,” their owners shared.

Now both four years old, Olaf and Sven have never had a quarrel.

“They get along very harmoniously. If Olaf bites too hard, Sven will just turn his nose and push him away. But there’s never been any aggression,” the Vallier couple remarked.

Although they know birds leave their mark on different species, the Valliers have never witnessed such a unique bond before. The friendship between Sven and Olaf has brought endless joy for four years, making them truly honored to be a part of it.

“This is a very special friendship, and we’re so grateful to be a part of it.”