Israel’s international standing reaches unprecedented heights

Earlier this month, the Associated Press, Reuters, and dozens of other major mainstream media outlets claimed that Israel’s isolation was intensifying after six months of war, with no end in sight.

For years, the media has portrayed Israel as a pariah state and mistakenly believed that a relentless stream of alleged misdeeds would lead the Israeli government down the path of racial segregation similar to apartheid-era South Africa.

However, Israel’s international standing has never been higher, especially after its unparalleled success in destroying hundreds of Iranian missiles and drones on April 13. Israel’s international reputation and outstanding record will only continue to flourish.

During Israel’s Independence Day celebrations in April 2023, the Israeli Foreign Minister announced that the number of foreign diplomatic missions in Israel, which stood at 77 at the time, would soon increase to 100 and has now reached 146. More Arab countries are showing solidarity with Israel, as are more Muslim nations. Despite the conflict in Gaza, Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, recently announced its intention to establish diplomatic relations with Israel to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) headquartered in Paris, of which Israel has long been a member.

Arab countries are openly touting their military alliance with Israel. Jordan, along with Israel’s fighter jets, downed Iranian drones, and Saudi Arabia even published an article written by Israelis on its official website showcasing Saudi aid. Other Arab nations have assisted Israel in repelling Iranian attacks, with the US, UK, and France also lending their support, illustrating the broad extent of military backing Israel receives from Western and Middle Eastern nations.

Part of Israel’s international standing stems from its reputation as a high-tech startup nation, its role as an alternative to Russian natural gas in the Mediterranean, and primarily from its military prowess.

Arab countries and Israel rely on each other’s military and intelligence agencies in their efforts against Islamic terrorism and Iran’s dominance in the Middle East. Similarly, Israel and Western nations have a similar interdependent relationship, explaining why numerous Western countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Norway, and the entire EU, have expressed their solidarity with Israel following attacks on Iran.

Israel is the United States’ most crucial military partner in the Middle East, providing the US with the region’s most vital military base, numerous technological advancements for American aircraft, and enabling the projection of force throughout the Middle East at a low cost.

Israel and India, the world’s largest democracy and most populous country, have also developed significant mutual relations. Currently, India purchases nearly half of Israel’s military export products, making Israel India’s largest military supplier after Russia.

The concept of missile defense systems has undergone multiple transformations. When US President Ronald Reagan first proposed the idea in 1983, it was ridiculed as “Star Wars.” In 1993, President Bill Clinton considered it a pipe dream and abandoned the concept. Israeli scientists, facing missile attacks by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein during the 1991 Gulf War and by Hezbollah during the 2006 Second Lebanon War, turned this technology into reality.

As a result, Israel has developed various missile defense systems like the Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow to intercept various aerial weapons. In turn, these missile defense systems are in high demand worldwide from countries facing similar threats, including the UAE, Azerbaijan, and Morocco in the Middle East, India, South Korea, and Singapore in Asia, and Germany, the UK, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Cyprus in Europe.

On April 13, Israel achieved a staggering 99% kill rate against Iranian missile launches, a feat that military analysts worldwide had not anticipated. This remarkable statistic will only encourage more countries to join the club of nations cooperating with Israel and become purchasers of Israeli military technology.

Observers are now watching to see if the anti-Israel agenda of global mainstream media will succeed. Recently, a survey of four EU countries revealed that mainstream media heavily portrayed Israel’s actions in the Gaza conflict negatively, failing to sway public opinion. Rumors are insignificant compared to real needs that motivate countries. There is a saying by French President Charles de Gaulle during World War II, “There are no eternal friends among nations, only eternal interests.” Israel serves the interests of more countries through military technology, earning respect from countries worldwide.

This piece was originally published in the Chinese edition of Epoch Times.

This rewritten and translated article expands on the original content and delves into the evolving geopolitical landscape surrounding Israel’s international standing.