Puppy accidentally triggers gas stove switch at midnight, causing kitchen fire.

In the late hours of the night, a small dog in Colorado accidentally touched the gas stove switch in the kitchen, causing a paper box on the stove to catch fire and resulting in a kitchen fire. Fortunately, the homeowner was able to extinguish the flames in time, preventing the entire house from being engulfed in flames. This incident has now become a part of the fire department’s campaign to promote fire safety.

The Colorado Springs Fire Department shared this case on Facebook on July 2nd, which occurred in the early hours of June 26th.

Upon receiving a call from the homeowner of a residential property reporting a fire on their gas stove, firefighters rushed to the scene at 4:47 AM. Although they did not observe any fire or smoke upon arrival, upon inspection, they found evidence of a fire.

The male homeowner of the house confirmed that he had already put out the flames before the firefighters arrived. He was later treated for smoke inhalation due to extinguishing the fire. Thankfully, no other individuals or pets were injured in the incident.

After conversing with the homeowner, firefighters carefully reviewed footage captured by their surveillance cameras. It was determined that the homeowner’s curious little dog accidentally triggered the gas stove switch while investigating the paper box placed on top of the stove, causing it to ignite.

The department shared the footage on Facebook, showing the dog lingering on the gas stove for a moment, and once it moved away, the paper box on the stove started to burn.

The homeowner mentioned that their Apple smart speaker, HomePod, alerted them with an alarm and sent them a “high-temperature” notification, waking them up in time.

By using this case as an example, the Colorado Springs Fire Department is reminding people to be vigilant against fires.

They emphasized on Facebook, “This is a great reminder to ensure that effective smoke alarms are installed in and around every sleeping area of the home, on every level of the house, and to keep all flammable materials away from stoves/ovens, as well as knowing two ways to exit every room in case of a fire.”

Incidents like the one involving a dog accidentally triggering a gas stove switch leading to a fire in the middle of the night have previously occurred in Tennessee as well.

Earlier reported by Epoch Times,

On April 4, 2021, in the early hours of the morning, a Golden Retriever named “Molly” in Tennessee entered the kitchen. She climbed onto the gas stove in an attempt to reach a plate of cookies left there by the owner, accidentally turning on the switch and causing a fire that quickly escalated. Luckily, the owner noticed in time, extinguished the flames with a fire extinguisher, and no individuals or animals were harmed.