Hunan Public Official Drives BMW to Steal Village Folks’ String Beans, Sparks Controversy

Recently, in Changning City, Hengyang, Hunan Province, a public official driving a BMW was involved in an incident where they were caught stealing beans from villagers. A conflict ensued, leading to one villager being injured. This incident has sparked heated discussions among netizens.

On July 9th, the local authorities in Changning City reported that a teacher’s dispute over picking beans from villagers, as circulated online, resulted in one villager being injured, with two public officials being involved.

According to the investigation, on June 30th, Tan, an employee of the City Petitions Bureau, invited Zhang, an employee of the City Human Resources Bureau, and a female teacher named Chen for dinner. They later returned with He driving.

While on the way, Tan and Chen noticed beans in a vegetable field and attempted to pick them. However, the wife of the bean farmer, Ouyang, discovered them and a negotiation to purchase the picked beans was initiated.

Subsequently, the farmer and his mother arrived at the scene, escalating the conflict. The farmer called his brother, resulting in a confrontation as the brother and two friends arrived at the scene, leading to a physical altercation.

Zhang reported the incident to the police, who arrived to settle the situation.

As confirmed by the investigation and Tan, he suffered a minor injury to his right palm, classified as a level two minor injury. Both Tan and Chen were evaluated by forensic experts and found to have suffered minor injuries.

The incident has been resolved with no objections from either party.

Prior to this, a netizen in Changning posted alleging that two public officials and a teacher were caught stealing beans from villagers, leading to a verbal argument and conflict between the parties.

On July 8th, a resident of Changning, Li Yang, told Jixiang News that on the night of June 30th, Zhang, Tan, and Chen went out for dinner. On their way back, they parked near Huasui Trading City in Lianhua Village, Chengyuan Street. Chen went to the restroom and noticed well-grown vegetables nearby, picking some beans to take away.

Subsequently, a man in his sixties and his family noticed someone picking beans, leading to a dispute. The elderly man was unharmed, but one of his sons was injured, with the injury being assessed by medical experts.

The man’s relative, Wang Cheng, mentioned that the individuals involved were Zhang, Tan, and Chen, but refrained from disclosing specific details.

Wang stated that on the night of the incident, the family noticed the theft and saw that the individuals were driving a BMW, with one of them being the designated driver and drinking alcohol.

Initially, Chen got into a dispute with the elderly man and others. Subsequently, two men from the BMW got out, leading to verbal and physical conflict.

Wang mentioned that the incident was reported to the police, and the elderly man visited the hospital for an examination, only experiencing minor swelling in his hand. However, his elder son was injured.

This news has drawn attention and discussions among netizens.

“Some people only think about negotiating to buy after getting caught red-handed stealing. Theft is theft!”

“It’s clear theft, yet as state officials and teachers, they feel no shame and refuse to admit fault. Such individuals should be removed from the revolutionary ranks!”

“Public officials stealing vegetables and then resorting to violence when caught. How is this any different from robbery?! A thorough investigation is necessary.”

Some netizens express their confusion, “Single adult men mainly eat takeout and don’t cook, so why bother stealing beans? Moreover, beans are inexpensive, so why go to the extent of stealing while driving a BMW? Does the stolen amount cover the fuel costs for a late-night theft?”

“Even if it’s worth very little money, even without considering the consequences, going to a vegetable field in the middle of the night risks injury. It’s absurd.”