Speaker of the US House of Representatives: The Chinese Communist Party is the Biggest Threat, Push for Comprehensive Anti-Communist Legislation

The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, stated that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses the biggest threat to global peace. He pledged to push for a series of tough legislation against China (CCP) before the end of this session, including sanctions on CCP military enterprises that aid Russia and Iran, restrictions on investment in China, and addressing the loopholes in U.S. trade laws that have been exploited by China.

On Monday, July 8, Johnson delivered a speech at a event held by the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., addressing the threats faced by the world order led by the U.S.

This was Johnson’s first extensive public speech on U.S. national security and congressional foreign policy since taking office as House Speaker in October last year, and he has taken a stronger stance against the CCP compared to when he first started.

From the outset, Johnson targeted the CCP. He stated that countries like China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba form an “interconnected threat network” led by the CCP, which is the central axis.

He said, “Today, we no longer face a single major enemy like during the Soviet era, and thankfully, we have not seen a new tripartite alliance like during World War II so far, but we do see countries openly forming alliances to oppose the United States.”

“They are increasingly utilizing their collective military, technological, and financial resources to support each other in various ways, attempting to disrupt our trade routes, steal our technology, harm our military, and undermine our economy,” Johnson said.

“China (CCP) is the greatest threat to global peace,” he said, “The U.S. Congress must continue to focus and use all the tools at our disposal to counter China (CCP).”

“Beijing is our top foreign threat,” he said, “They have exploited every corner and loophole of our financial and economic system.”

“In the remaining brief time of this session of Congress… the House will vote on a series of bills authorizing the next government to pursue our economic enemies from day one in office,” Johnson added.

“We will actively work towards achieving this goal. I hope that the majority of the contents can be completed through bipartisan cooperation,” he said.

Johnson also mentioned that in the new congress next year, he will continue the operation of the House Select Committee on the CCP.

One bill he supports is a sanctions plan aimed at “penalizing Chinese military enterprises that provide material support to Russia and Iran.”

He added that the House is also working on measures to restrict foreign investment in China and plans to pass legislation in the fall of this year.

Johnson said that the House will also vote on the Biosecure Act, which aims to “stop the federal government from contracting with biotech companies because these companies are subject to foreign influence and endanger Americans’ healthcare debts.”

Regarding trade and tariff issues, Johnson stated that the House will eliminate the minimum tariff threshold for Section 301. This provision allows companies to ship parcels worth less than $800 to the U.S. without paying tariffs. According to data cited by the House Ways and Means Committee, 60% of imported small parcels come from China.

Johnson supports President Reagan’s foreign policy doctrine of “achieving peace through strength.”

He stated that while democratic systems are not perfect, “the burdens of self-government are certainly lighter than the shackles of tyranny.”

“Now, without U.S. leadership, the future we are likely to see is communism and tyranny, not freedom, opportunities, and security,” he said.

Following Johnson’s remarks, John Moolenaar, Chairman of the House Select Committee on the CCP and a Republican Representative, expressed gratitude for Johnson’s support of the committee.

“CCP is most afraid of a united America; Democrats and Republicans working together to defend our country,” Moolenaar said, “In the remaining time of this congress and the next, the committee will continue to protect America and our values from the malign influence of our country’s primary adversary – the Chinese Communist Party – through bipartisan cooperation with various oversight committees.”