Zhu Tong: Serving the People in the CCP’s Style Is a Crime

It is well known that the Chinese Communist regime lacks divine sanction or popular election, so it is an illegal regime, and all of its actions are illegal. The so-called “serving the people” is imposed on the people by the Chinese Communist Party’s army and black police, deceiving the whole world by using the media to dress up the supposed service content. Although it has been vigorously performing for over a hundred years in the historical drama of thieves and usurpers, the final act of the drama will surely come to an end. Surely, the laws of nature are just, and karma will catch up with everyone!

Analyzing the criminal psychology of the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP’s inner thoughts are just like those of a rapist. Looking at the so-called service content of the CCP over the past hundred years, the crimes are heinous and countless.

First, looking at the crime psychology, according to legal provisions, the crime of rape (also known as sexual violence) refers to the perpetrator violating the law, going against the victim’s will, using violence, threats, injury, or other means to compel the victim into sexual activity, constituting a crime. Doesn’t this fully match all the characteristics of the CCP’s “serving the people”? The CCP’s inner desires towards our world and the people are insatiable, wanting to forcibly take possession of all good things. It is truly incomprehensible the vile and perverted mentality of the CCP rogues. Even rapists still consider themselves “noble and righteous” and shamelessly attempt to represent China every day, bringing shame to the Chinese people.

1. Treason and collaboration, the CCP was established under the control of the foreign Communist force, the Soviet Communist Party. From its first day of establishment, it was preparing to overthrow the first democratic republic in Asia, the Republic of China, which had only been established for nine years. In 1931, Japan invaded the three northeastern provinces of China. At the height of the national crisis in November 1931, the CCP took advantage of the situation to declare independence, causing division. They established a “state within a state” – the Chinese Soviet Republic, a puppet state controlled by the Soviet Union, within the territory of the Republic of China.

During the eight years of resistance against Japan, the soldiers of the nationalist army shed blood and fought fiercely. The CCP, however, contributed minimally to the anti-Japanese efforts, allocated some resources, heavily focused on propaganda, and devoted great effort to self-development. They even colluded with the invading Japanese army, failing to fight Japanese forces and instead engaging with the nationalist army. Mao Zedong expressed gratitude to Japan multiple times during his lifetime, claiming that “Japanese militarism brought great benefits to China, allowing the Chinese people to seize power. Without your Imperial Army, we could not have seized power.”

Since the CCP took power in 1949, they have unconditionally ceded over 1.7 million square kilometers of sacred Chinese territories in the northeast and northwest to countries such as Russia, handed over 180,000 square kilometers of land in Jiangxinpo and Nankan to Myanmar, surrendered parts of Yunnan Laoshan, Zheyinshan, and Guangxi Faka Mountain, as well as the largest island in the South China Sea – Bai Longwei Island to Vietnam, and given back the southern region of Tibet spanning over 90,000 square kilometers, allowing India to reoccupy the territory, once again betraying the country. Jiang Zemin, the CCP’s leader, is the biggest traitor of the CCP members. Giving away Chinese territory equivalent to over 40 Taiwans unconditionally to other countries has seriously endangered China’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and security.

2. Harm to China, modern Chinese history began with the Opium War in 1840. The Republic of China began banning opium since its establishment in 1912. Subsequently, laws and regulations were continuously issued to ban opium, including bans on cultivation, transportation, sale, and use.

In the early 1940s, amidst the national crisis, and while the soldiers of the nationalist army were fighting fiercely on the anti-Japanese front, the CCP not only extensively cultivated and processed opium but also continuously transported and sold opium in the areas under the control of the Kuomintang.

Many Chinese are familiar with the song “Nanniwan” sung by Guo Lanying, which praises the CCP’s self-proclaimed “Yan’an Great Production Movement.” Party cadres familiar with party history know that the fragrant smell wafting from the flower baskets was the scent of poppies. Almost all soldiers of the CCP in Nanniwan were involved in opium cultivation.

Zhang Side was buried alive for burning opium in a kiln. After Zhang Side’s death, the Central Authorities of the CCP held a memorial service for him. Mao attended personally and spoke, stating that Zhang Side died “for the benefit of the people,” and his death was “heavier than Mount Tai.” This speech was later titled “Serving the People” and widely circulated in mainland China.

The CCP has been in power for 75 years, destroying nearly five thousand years of divine Chinese cultural heritage. When the Yuan and Qing Dynasties faced various invasions and aggressions, the Temple of Confucius remained intact. However, the temple was destroyed during the “Cultural Revolution” launched by the CCP. All religions in China, including Buddhism, Taoism, and Christianity, have been suppressed and alienated by the CCP. On November 29, 1966, Red Guards of the CCP ransacked Confucius’s tomb. According to statistics from Qufu City, more than one hundred thousand graves out of 3000 acres in the Confucian Forest were excavated, over 42,000 trees were cut down, and over 4000 tombstones were toppled. The CCP has also ruined the tombs of Kang Youwei, Zhang Zhidong, Wu Xun, Hai Rui, Yue Fei, Emperor Shun, Emperor Yan, Emperor Wanli, Prince Zhaojian of the Ming Dynasty, Bao Zheng’s tomb in Hefei, Zhang Juzheng’s tomb in Jiangling, Yu Qian’s tomb in Hangzhou, Emperor Wu Qin—the tomb of Sima Qian’s mother…

General Zhao Dengyu was the first senior officer who sacrificed himself in patriotic duty against the Japanese invasion. On July 28, 1937, the general died in combat with the Japanese in Wanping Nanyuan, at the age of thirty-nine. The abbot of Longquan Temple risked his life to find the general’s body and hid the coffin in the temple for eight years. In July 1946, the coffin was buried near the Lugou Bridge. During the “Cultural Revolution”, the general’s tomb was dug up by the Red Guards, with no accompanying burials. The remains were thrown out in the open.

3. The CCP is the party responsible for the most deaths of the people. As the series of editorials “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” by the Epoch Times wrote, “After 1949, more than half of China’s population suffered persecution by the CCP, with an estimated 60 to 80 million dying unnaturally, exceeding the total number of deaths from both World Wars combined.”

The book “The Starvation of Changchun” by former New York Times journalist Du Bin records that during the civil war between the Nationalists and Communists, the CCP laid siege to Changchun, leading to approximately 370,000 to 460,000 deaths from starvation.

In the early 1950s, after seizing power, the CCP launched the so-called “suppression of counter-revolutionaries.” Mao personally set targets and ratios for killings, demanding the national execution of certain quota numbers. In February, following Mao’s suggestion, the CCP Central Committee discussed the issue of killing ratio: “Decide on a ratio of one in a thousand of the population, first kill half of that number, then make a decision based on the situation.”

At the time, China’s population was 550 million, half of 1/1000 is 275,000 people.

To achieve the killing targets, Mao also instructed to decentralize the approval for executions from the provincial level to the regional level, and even in some areas, approved killing beyond the central set targets. Guangxi Liuzhou District demanded a ratio of one in five people to be killed, and the Guizhou Provincial Committee demanded a ratio of one in three to be killed. Only the statistics from the Guangxi Provincial Committee and Public Security Bureau at the time showed that among the executed, about 30% could have been spared.

From 1959 to 1961, China experienced the largest famine in history. Former Xinhua News Agency senior journalist Yang Jisheng spent nearly 20 years to write the monumental work “Tombstone – The Real Story of the Great Famine in the Sixties.” These records focused on the most severe cases of famine across 12 provinces. According to Yang, about 36 million people starved to death nationwide, equivalent to 450 times the number of people killed by the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan in August 1945.

In the spring and summer of 1989, former CCP leader Hu Yaobang passed away, sparking a nationwide movement in Beijing and across the country in protest against corruption, demanding democracy and freedom. The then chairman of the CCP’s Military Commission, Deng Xiaoping, ordered the deployment of 200,000 troops to Beijing to massacre the protesters. On June 4th, in Tiananmen Square, the military opened fire, killing students and citizens. Declassified documents from the UK reveal that during the “six-four” incident, the CCP military killed at least 10,000 people.

From 1979 to 2013, the CCP promoted the “one-child policy,” limiting families to only having one child. According to data released by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, by 2013, there were at least 13 million artificial abortions carried out each year in China, ranking first in the world. This number does not include 10 million medication-induced abortions and the number of abortions done in private hospitals. If we consider the annual figure of 13 million, over 34 years, at least 450 million fetuses were killed in China.

The CCP also committed the heinous crime of organ harvesting. In 2016, after a thorough investigation, David Matas, David Kilgour, and investigative journalist Ethan Gutmann jointly released the report “Investigation into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party.” The authors estimated organ transplant surgeries in China to be around 60,000 to 100,000 per year, possibly totaling up to 1.5 million since 2000, with the main source of these organs being Falun Gong practitioners. Matas said, “Over 2,200 footnotes in our report are from their (CCP) data.”

On January 7, 2016, after a decade of investigation, “Investigation International” released the report “Investigation Report on the State Crimes of Large-Scale Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party.” The conclusion drawn was, “Since 1999, the CCP crime group led by the then CCP leader Jiang Zemin controlled the entire state machinery, including the party, government, military, armed police, judicial system, and medical institutions, and carried out a collective extermination massacre against Falun Gong practitioners across the country through organ harvesting for transplantation using the method of live organ harvesting. They have committed a crime of unprecedented mass extinction, torture, and crimes against humanity.”

Today, the large-scale live organ harvesting by the CCP has expanded to Uyghurs, Tibetans, various prisoners of conscience, and the general public. The CCP is the ringleader in the large-scale live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, various prisoners of conscience, and the general public, committing “unprecedented on this planet” crimes of mass extermination, torture, and against humanity.

I have been thinking recently that if a person commits a crime, they may only face the death penalty once, but the Chinese ancestors left behind the saying “A thousand deaths are not enough to atone for the sins.” For believers, this phrase is believed to be very accurate. If, in the future, there really is the prophesied Great Judgment, then the CCP will undoubtedly be unforgivable. However, it is quite easy to provide a defense of innocence to the relatives who did not assist in committing the atrocities. The public declaration of the three withdrawals, and the official withdrawal certificate provided by the Global Service Center for Quitting the Party are the most powerful evidence.
