Zhou Xiaohui: Online Spread of Old Photo of Peng Liyuan Reveals Military Important Committee.

The wife of the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, who is herself a well-known figure, Peng Liyuan, is attracting more and more attention with her every move. Since her recent solo meeting with the First Lady of Uzbekistan caused speculation, a recent photo of Peng Liyuan during a military inspection activity has surfaced on social media in mainland China. The photo came with an explanation: “Peng Liyuan, a full-time member of the Central Military Commission’s Cadre Appraisal Committee, visits the school to research the construction of high-level talent teams.”

Upon closer inspection, it appears that the photo is not a new one but a promotional shot from the past. Furthermore, Peng Liyuan looks noticeably younger in the photo, leading to speculation that someone may be intentionally using this image to imply Peng Liyuan’s supposed new role as a full-time member of the Cadre Appraisal Committee of the Central Military Commission. However, without further evidence to confirm Peng Liyuan’s new role, it remains uncertain.

While Peng Liyuan’s new role is unconfirmed, the previously little-discussed Cadre Appraisal Committee of the Central Military Commission is indeed a real entity that was established after Xi Jinping’s military reforms in 2016, though the exact date of its establishment is unknown. Over the past three years, the official Chinese media has mentioned this committee in articles related to military reforms.

For example, an article on Xinhua Net on July 19, 2023, about “Building a Strong Military” mentioned the formation of the Talent Work Leading Group and the Cadre Appraisal Committee of the Central Military Commission. Similarly, an article on Xinhua Net on September 22, 2022, titled “Great Practice of Strengthening the Military in the New Era” also mentioned the establishment of the Cadre Appraisal Committee of the Central Military Commission.

In an article on Xinhua Net on November 25, 2021, titled “The Way to Strengthen the Military Begins with Selection of Personnel,” it stated, “The establishment of the Cadre Appraisal Committee of the Central Military Commission is a significant measure to implement the system of the Chairman being responsible for the military commission, ensuring precise and scientific selection and appointment of personnel, and exploring new ways to enhance the credibility and authority of selecting and appointing personnel.”

How are military officers selected? The article mentions that during the process of appointing and promoting military officers, there is strict implementation of personal information reporting and verification, review of file materials, assessment of health conditions, and listening to opinions from disciplinary inspection and supervision, as well as military procuratorate departments. Cadres who deliberately conceal personal information are dealt with seriously.

Undoubtedly, the establishment of the Cadre Appraisal Committee of the Central Military Commission aims to ensure that the selected generals are loyal to the highest ranks, highlighting its importance. In recent years, Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized “loyalty” in his speeches, underscoring his central position. Various departments of the Chinese Communist Party have issued directives requiring leading officials to uphold the “two maintenances” as the primary criterion for evaluating their performance.

By repeatedly emphasizing “loyalty,” it is akin to the high-level Chinese Communist Party officials frequently mentioning “political security,” which essentially translates to “Xi Jinping’s security.” The continuous warnings and documents issued by various Chinese Communist Party departments indicate the awareness of internal divisions within the party and the need to issue warnings repeatedly.

Not only are local officials urged to maintain loyalty, but the same applies to the military, as there are many disloyal senior officers. Last year, dozens of senior military leaders, including commanders and deputy commanders of the Rocket Force, were investigated and punished for “disloyalty.” The Chinese military newspapers have emphasized the need to uphold political discipline and political rules as “crucial guarantees for the absolute loyalty, purity, and reliability of the military in politics.” To achieve this, officers must “strengthen their political awareness,” study Xi Jinping’s ideology, uphold the system where the Chairman of the Military Commission holds responsibility, and “maintain high consistency with the Party Central Committee” in all aspects. In essence, it is about upholding Xi Jinping’s leadership and following his guidance.

However, the reality in the Chinese Communist Party and the military is far from the desired loyalty, echoing the situation in the Soviet Union before its dissolution. Officials and military officers who vocally proclaim “loyalty” may have hidden agendas and may not be willing to tie their fate to the party leader as the Chinese Communist Party approaches its demise. Can the selected generals chosen by the Cadre Appraisal Committee of the Central Military Commission truly be free of issues? It can be said that the concerns about personal safety in Zhongnanhai (the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party) will not be guaranteed through intimidation, strict surveillance, or the maintenance of the Chinese Communist Party’s regime.

So, what is the purpose of leaking Peng Liyuan’s old photos with the supposed new title? It is highly likely aimed at stirring political turmoil, drawing public attention, and inciting discontent among more insiders of the Chinese Communist Party, providing an opportunity for dissent. After all, the risk of Xi Jinping imitating Mao and elevating a figure like Jiang Qing onto the political stage is not small. This also indicates that there are many within the Chinese Communist Party who are not loyal to Xi, well-versed in the party’s hidden agendas, and might trigger significant events at any moment.