Zhang Xiaoyan Hurt by Huang Zijiao Incident, Tao Jingying Reveals Private Conversation

Huang Zijiao, who was involved in the MeToo scandal last year, has once again sparked public outrage after being caught by the police for purchasing seven inappropriate videos of underage girls through a voyeurism forum. Even his wife, Meng Gengru, and mentor Zhang Xiaoyan have been affected by this scandal. In response to writer Gao Ailun publicly disclosing her conversation records with Zhang Xiaoyan, Tao Jingying admitted feeling “a bit shocked.”

Tao Jingying discussed recent MeToo events in the entertainment industry with media personality Wu Xiaomao on her radio program “Tao News” yesterday. When talking about the conversation records between Zhang Xiaoyan and writer Gao Ailun, Tao Jingying expressed her surprise upon first hearing the news.

She said, “Of course, we dare not disturb Sister Xiaoyan, but during the process, we would ask ‘Are you okay?’ and she would reply, ‘How could I be okay?’ Then we wouldn’t know how to comfort her, so we can only send some emojis.”

Regarding writer Gao Ailun’s unexpected public release of her conversation content with Zhang Xiaoyan yesterday, Tao Jingying believes that these are private text messages, representing Zhang Xiaoyan’s innermost thoughts shared in confidence. However, once they are posted on social media platforms, they can be interpreted differently.

Tao Jingying also confessed that “Sister Xiaoyan’s recent mood is indeed not very good,” recalling her saying, “I’ve always done things quietly and lived an upright life, but now I can’t hold my head up high.” Her words were filled with helplessness.

Meanwhile, there has been a recent initiative in the entertainment industry where artists are signing petitions one after another to amend laws. Tao Jingying is one of the initiators and provided an update on the current progress, saying, “Originally, a legislator invited us to listen in, but he mentioned that the time is quite long, and some artist friends couldn’t make it.”

However, some netizens have labeled these signing artists as having “political stances.”

In response, Tao Jingying helplessly stated, “Legislators from the green, blue, and white parties will come together to amend the law this time,” emphasizing that this is not about political affiliations, and no one should say, “Only a certain political color cares for children, that’s not possible.”

Tao Jingying also expressed her feelings, urging not to turn Taiwan into a place where everything becomes a political stance and hopes that everyone can focus on the issues at hand.

Editor: Xin You’an