Yuan Bin: Inspired by a woman kneeling in front of “Judge Bao” in a play to plead her case

In March of this year, there was a widely shared video online of a woman crying aloud at the Bao Gong Temple in Kaifeng, Henan Province.

In the video, the woman was seen clinging to the railing in front of the statue of Bao Gong, kneeling on the ground and crying in agony.

Subsequently, many imitators went to the Bao Gong Temple to wail and cry, some even holding signs with the word “injustice” written on them.

Unexpectedly, just a month later, a similar scene played out again at the Kaifeng Prefecture in Henan.

On April 11, a video circulated online showing what appeared to be a court session of Bao Gong being performed at the large courtyard of the Kaifeng Prefecture, with many tourists watching around the venue and on the city walls.

At the performance, a woman in ancient costume, seemingly with two “children,” was bowing to the “judge Bao Gong.” Suddenly, a woman in black rushed in from the audience, holding up a pile of densely written “petitions” and knelt in front of “Bao Gong,” crying out grievances. “Bao Gong” remained unmoved, standing still. The surrounding tourists were astounded.

At this point, an actor in costume hurried in, dragged the woman who was crying out grievances outside, and explained to her, “We are just performing here.” Subsequently, two security guards escorted the woman who was still pleading to “Judge Bao” out of the Kaifeng Prefecture.

The previous woman had cried in front of the Bao Gong statue, while the black-dressed woman this time shouted grievances at the character of Bao Gong in the play – isn’t the latter more magical and bizarre than the former?

No wonder we can hear people exclaiming “Oh my!” and saying “She thought it was real” in the video. Overseas netizens on Platform X sighed, “Can’t distinguish between reality and drama for a moment.”

It is remembered that someone had previously revealed that the woman who wept loudly at the Bao Gong Temple in March had been subjected to torture by the Chinese Communist Public Security Bureau at the age of 17, was confirmed as the culprit in a poisoning case, sentenced to life imprisonment, and was finally exonerated. She spent 13 years in prison for a crime she did not commit, with no one held accountable. After her release, she was 32 years old, and the most beautiful years of her life were ruined by the Chinese Communist Party!

It’s not difficult to imagine what kind of experience the black-dressed woman, who shouted grievances at the character of Bao Gong in the play, had gone through.

But the question is, whether shouting grievances at the Bao Gong statue or the character of Bao Gong in the play is effective? Can it really bring justice? Obviously, it is ineffective and impossible to bring justice at all.

Why? Because today’s China is no longer the China of the Bao Gong era. In that era, Bao Gong upheld justice and helped people seek redress, but today there is no Bao Gong, nor can there be one. The tyranny of the Communist Party not only created numerous grievances but also eradicated Bao Gong.

As Tang Zhaoxing, a visitor from Fuzhou, said, “There is no Bao Gong in today’s era. Wake up, brothers and sisters. We have no law in China. Whoever holds power is the law.”

If you want to seek justice, there is only one way, which is to dismantle the Chinese Communist Party and realize democracy and constitutionalism in China. Otherwise, shouting grievances at “Bao Gong” is not only futile but also could easily be charged with provocation and causing trouble by the authorities. Unresolved past grievances may result in new injustices.

责任编辑: 金岳