Young Woman Dedicates Full-time Care to Husband at Home, Setting an Example for Children

At the age of 30, Jessi often shares on social media platforms some anecdotes and lessons learned from caring for and loving her 32-year-old husband, Skylar, to showcase the power of a healthy marriage.

Jessi, a full-time mom, met Skylar in 2014 at a Bible college. To be precise, they met while working at a coffee shop on the college campus.

“I had to start work at this coffee shop at 5 a.m., with only 10 minutes to grab breakfast before that,” she told The Epoch Times. “On that day, Skylar, who was on duty as a security guard, was about to start his shift, and when I walked in, I saw him making waffles with a waffle maker, which meant I didn’t have enough time to make breakfast.”

Seeing Jessi a bit disappointed, Skylar immediately gave her the waffle he had just made, and then they both went on to do their respective tasks.

This chance encounter led to a perfect relationship, and the couple went on to have four children.

Jessi had always aspired to be a full-time mom, and her husband supported her choice. Skylar was willing to be the sole breadwinner.

“Both of us view our roles from a faith perspective, and for us, putting God first is the most important, followed by family,” Jessi said. “Skylar and I both agree that our children are precious gifts from God, and I need to guide and help them develop the right values and perspectives in life through the small moments of daily life.”

Today, they have four children under the age of 8, with their fifth child on the way. Jessi believes that the core of a family lies in the relationship between spouses. Her firm belief is, “The best gift you can give your children is to love their father well.”

She said, “Aside from loving God, mutual love between spouses instills a strong sense of trust in the family for children. This way, children will feel that parents are reliable, and their relationship is stable, giving them more confidence in relying on their parents.”

The couple highly values spending quality time together and minimize the use of electronic devices to have meaningful face-to-face conversations.

“We want our children to see how happy and carefree we are when we are together,” Jessi said.

Every morning, Jessi and her family have breakfast together, followed by reciting hymns of praise. Then, they divide tasks to take care of the animals and garden at home and begin their homeschooling program until noon. The younger children take a nap while the older ones play games and read in the afternoon.

Jessi enjoys seeing her children learn new things. “Usually, at this time of day, we bake something because our entire family loves baking,” she said.

After eating the baked goods, everyone participates in cleaning the house so Skylar can come home to a clean and tidy house. They then have dinner together, which is the most cherished and anticipated time for Skylar and Jessi. This is followed by their regular bedtime routine, which includes singing hymns, praying, and enjoying the happiness of being together as a family.

Jessi feels fulfilled in her role as a wife and mother and is grateful that Skylar can shoulder the responsibility of providing for the family on his own.

Undoubtedly, this mother puts almost all her time and energy into the responsibility of caring for her husband and children.

“Our family was established on a foundation of faith from the beginning,” Jessi said. “I hold God’s view of marriage in high regard, that marriage is a gift from God, sacred, and should be respected by all. My goal is to encourage women who are wives to play their roles that God has bestowed upon them with kindness, rather than taking it for granted!”

To achieve this goal, Jessi began sharing her views, insights, and experiences on building a “sacred and strong marriage” on social media. She has built an online community with nearly 17,000 followers, for whom she is deeply grateful.