Xi’s Visit to Fujian Scares Taiwan? Experts Reveal CCP’s Weakness

Hello everyone, welcome to “News Perspective”, I am Li Xin.

Today’s focus: After the military drills around Taiwan, Xi Jinping rushed to Dongshan Island in Fujian, the CCP vowed to never give up on reunification by force, experts pointed out the military soft underbelly of the CCP! People being forcefully vaccinated against COVID-19, causing disabilities and deaths, families seeking help in vain, calling for attention from the whole society!

According to the official Xinhua News Agency’s report on Wednesday, Xi Jinping arrived in Dongshan County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, on October 15 for investigation and inspection. Xi Jinping visited Aojiao Village in Chengcheng Town, Gu Wenchang Memorial Hall, and Guandi Cultural Industry Park to understand the progress of rural revitalization and “inheritance of red genes and strengthening cultural heritage protection” in the area.

Dongshan Island in Fujian faces Taiwan across the sea. In July 1953, Hu Lian, the defense commander of Kinmen in Taiwan, led over 10,000 troops to launch an attack on the island, but was repelled by subsequent reinforcements from the communist forces.

The Xinhua report did not mention Taiwan. However, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CCP stated on Wednesday that they will not rule out the use of force against Taiwan. Spokesperson Chen Binhua said at a routine press conference, “We are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity and efforts.” “But we will never commit to renouncing the use of force.” He stated that this policy is directed at “external forces” and a very few “Taiwan independence” separatists, not the vast majority of the Taiwanese people.

Taiwan’s National Security Bureau Director Tsai Ming-yan told the media on Wednesday that the Beijing military drills had the reverse effect, saying, “The CCP’s military exercise has created side effects and negative effects, garnering increased international support for Taiwan.” Stock and currency markets rose that day.

Although the CCP’s military exercise this time only lasted for 13 hours, military drills have become “routine.” Over the past five years, Beijing has almost daily dispatched warships and warplanes to the airspace and waters around Taiwan.

During Monday’s large-scale military drills, the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense stated that as of 6 a.m. on Tuesday, 153 PLA military aircraft were spotted circling near Taiwan, indicating Beijing’s increased war preparedness, gearing up for a potential invasion of Taiwan one day.

Each CCP military exercise sees the exercise area’s map inch closer to Taiwan; this time the maritime police participated in the drill for the second time since early 2024. This indicates that the CCP hopes to block Taiwan’s main ports by encircling them. Beijing has also set clear objectives. The Eastern Theater Command of the CCP issued a message on Monday stating, “Prepare for air and sea battles, block ports and regions, attack sea and land targets.”

Most military experts believe that the CCP’s biggest weakness lies in its defense technology, which is mostly reverse-engineered from other countries, with its effectiveness unproven, and a severe lack of combat experience.

Recently, the US military news website “WDMMA” released the latest ranking of world air forces, ranking China after India, at the 7th position. This sparked backlash from Chinese military enthusiasts and internet users.

In this global ranking of air force powers, the US occupies the top spots with its air force, navy aviation, army aviation, and Marine Corps ranking 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th respectively, while Russia ranks 3rd. India claimed the 6th spot, but China, despite its claim as a rising power, is placed 7th.

Regarding the ranking results, Chinese media called it a “politically correct” choice, but merely American “self-entertainment.”

According to a report by the mainland magazine “Weapons”, although the US has a large number of aircraft, its main models such as the F-15, F-16, and F/A-18 are outdated from the last century, with over 30 years of service, and the production rate of the F-35 stealth fighter cannot keep up with the replacement demand due to limited material supply. It described that the US military only maintains an advantage in quantity and quality in strategic transport and strategic bombers.

The report also boasted that the CCP now has over 1300 fourth and fourth-generation fighter jets, believing that its strength is sufficient to pose a strategic threat to the US military in East Asia.

Shen Mingshi, head of the National Security Institute at the Taiwan National Defense Research Institute, stated that the ranking of air combat power has quantitative basis, the CCP’s air force technology originally came from the former Soviet Union, but the performance of the CCP’s imitated versions does not match the original.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CCP temporarily gained access to American technology but faced sanctions after the 1989 Tiananmen incident. Due to Russia’s financial needs, the CCP managed to acquire a considerable amount of technology from Russia.

Currently, most of the operational fighter jets, apart from the J-10 originating from Israel, come from a series of Russian fighter jets such as J-11, J-15, J-16, with stealth fighter planes originating from stealing and mimicking US fighter jet technology. “Shanzhai goods are inevitably inferior to genuine products, and the gap is significant. They may look good on the surface, but in a real battle, the difference will be apparent.”

Ou Xifu, the director of the CCP Political-Military and Operational Concept Research Institute at the Taiwan National Defense Institute, stated that if measured by quantity, China should rank only after the US and Russia, ranking third.

However, this ranking is based on quality, including modernization, logistics, offense and defense aircraft types, and significantly emphasizes special mission aircraft, close air support aircraft, bombers, aircraft balance, training, defense industry energy, advanced innovation development capabilities, so the US occupies the top four positions, while China lags behind in seventh place.

Recently, victims of the new coronavirus (CCP virus) vaccines across China have issued cries for help to society, stating that they were indirectly forced to be vaccinated, sacrificing their lifelong health—some even losing their lives—without receiving the respect and morality they deserve.

The appeal letter stated, “We are a special group. In pursuit of achievements, relevant government departments in various regions forcibly or indirectly forced the public to receive the new coronavirus vaccine, disallowing education, work, and entry into supermarkets without vaccination, completely violating the principle of ‘informed, voluntary, and voluntary’ as issued by the National Health Commission.”

The letter accused that any vaccine has undergone numerous animal and clinical trials; safety and effectiveness cannot be achieved within just a few months, but the new coronavirus vaccine was released in a short period.

People who were healthy and lively before vaccination, some even had health examination reports before vaccination, developed various dreadful diseases and terminal illnesses after vaccination, which should be classified as “related cases of abnormal reactions.”

However, the disease control centers, medical association, abnormal reaction investigation diagnosis expert groups, and appraisal expert groups in various regions evade responsibility by using so-called “coincidental symptoms” not related to vaccine administration, denying them as abnormal reactions.

The letter urged the state and relevant departments to improve the “vaccine injury protection and relief mechanism,” with the government compensating for one type of vaccine (mandatory) and manufacturers handling compensation for the second type of vaccine (voluntary). Respect life, equality for all, same treatment for the same illness, and unified national compensation standards.

On October 14, the rights protection website reported that Qian Dalong, a human rights defender in Beijing and a victim of the new coronavirus vaccine, was under 24-hour surveillance, restricted in personal freedom, and harassed by the police daily.

Qian Dalong, a resident of Chaoyang District in Beijing, suffers from the after-effects of brain thrombosis from the Sinopharm new coronavirus vaccine, and was suppressed twice and released on bail due to his advocacy for the rights of victims of deaths, injuries, and disabilities related to the new coronavirus vaccine. Due to his disability, he is unable to work normally, lacking medical care and struggling in life.

In June this year, Qian Dalong and others collected nearly three thousand cases of new coronavirus (CCP virus) vaccine victims, calling for the establishment of a special relief fund by the government.

The mother of the deceased victim Liu Zhao confirmed to the reporter that Liu Zhao started to have a fever and frequent fevers after receiving the second dose of the vaccine in Jixian County in 2022. However, there was no compensation, no one took responsibility, “they do not recognize the responsibility of the vaccine, they claim it’s a coincidence.”

The husband of the deceased victim Wang Miao, Mr. Li, described their ordeal to reporters. After receiving two doses of the vaccine on February 19 and March 12, 2021, Wang Miao felt unwell but did not dare to go to the hospital at the time due to strict local controls. In October of the same year, she was hospitalized for a lung infection, suffered severe blood clots, and passed away at the young age of 39.

“When the appraisal was made, the experts claimed there were genetic factors; her grandparents are still in their 90s, her parents are alive, so how could there be genetic factors? They always blame it on genetic mutations, trying to deceive us ordinary folks.”

Mr. Li believes that the pandemic claimed the lives of many elderly people, but the younger population suffered the most harm. Vaccination led to fatal diseases such as blood disorders, leukemia, aplastic anemia, and MDS; another group suffered from ALS, once healthy individuals who developed it after vaccination; and there are cases of type 1 diabetes in children.

Though Mr. Li is increasingly convinced that these adverse reactions are caused by the vaccine, the country currently denies this claim.

The “Vaccine Siri” rights protection channel told a Dajiyuan reporter that there are compensations for those disabled or killed by vaccines abroad. However, the relevant laws in China are inadequate, the Health Commission is responsible for vaccine issues, and there is no compensation for vaccine injuries in China, only relief. Courts do not accept such cases, only complaints through written petitions, which are ineffective. Vaccine victims facing rights protection are subjected to suppression, persecution, detention, and even criminal sentencing.

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