Xi Jinping Reveals Severe Epidemic Situation in China, People Say “Covid-19 Has Never Left”

Is the epidemic still present in China? Although hospitals have stopped conducting nucleic acid tests, during a recent visit to mainland China by former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou, his accompanying journalists were required to undergo four nucleic acid tests. Many people in China also reflect that the epidemic has never completely disappeared.

On April 10, a meeting between Ma and Xi, the Chinese authorities required the media journalists present to undergo two nucleic acid tests. Since Ma Ying-jeou arrived in mainland China on April 1, Taiwanese media accompanying the delegation have undergone two nucleic acid screenings, with Taiwanese journalists being required to undergo four nucleic acid tests.

More than a year has passed since the lockdown and reopening of the epidemic situation in China. The nucleic acid booths used during the lockdown period have now been abandoned, and major hospitals do not specifically conduct nucleic acid tests anymore. The requirement for journalists attending the Xi-Ma meeting to undergo nucleic acid testing has drawn public attention.

Epoch Times reporters learned through interviews with Chinese people that the COVID-19 (CCP virus) epidemic has never left. The virus continues to mutate, according to data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, from March 1 to March 31 this year, all cases of COVID-19 infections in China were Omicron variants, covering 89 lineages. The main prevalent variant was the JN.1 series, accounting for the top three positions in terms of prevalence: JN.1, JN.1.4, and JN.1.1.

A woman named Wu Jiani (pseudonym) from Xiamen, Fujian, who was diagnosed with the CCP virus at Xiamen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital on April 8, stated during an interview with Epoch Times on April 15 that she is still in the recovery period, feeling weak every day, and getting tired even from walking.

She expressed that she initially felt discomfort in her throat, then started to have a fever, chills, weakness all over her body, and headache. “At my worst, I felt difficult to breathe at night, and the medicine prescribed by the hospital didn’t seem effective. It took a week for my symptoms to alleviate. Now when you walk on the streets of Xiamen, you will see many people coughing,” she said.

Wu Jun (pseudonym) from Shantou, Guangdong, discovered that he was positive two days ago. This was his second infection, and he mentioned that this time was much more uncomfortable than the first time, stating, “Once infected, it’s unforgettable.”

He told the reporter on April 14 that his symptoms included body aches, headaches, sore throat, diarrhea, insomnia, and loss of taste. “There are many people infected where we are; no one knows how it’s transmitted. Everyone treats it as a common cold. The virus seems to be present all the time, and you can’t avoid it. All we can do is hope that the virus weakens as it mutates, but it’s unlikely to disappear entirely.”

Infected individuals have stated that throat pain is a prominent new symptom. Wu Jiani revealed that she repeatedly had fevers, chills, and then experienced excruciating throat pain, along with body aches, which indicated the symptoms of being infected with the CCP virus.

Zhou Hua (pseudonym) from Ji’an, Jiangxi, told reporters on April 13 that she tested positive in March, and her primary symptom was throat pain. “My throat felt like I was swallowing razor blades, I had a low-grade fever, intermittent fever, body aches, and neck pain.”

Later on, she needed assistance to walk, lost sensation, didn’t feel hungry, and finally went to the hospital for various tests before being diagnosed. She said, “The symptoms suddenly worsen, and I experienced a feeling of suffocation. At that time, I had my last words prepared, crying all the time, sometimes waking up unable to open my eyes or move my hands. After taking many types of medicine, my symptoms eased.”

Zhang Hao (pseudonym) from Kunming, Yunnan, also told Epoch Times that his initial symptom was discomfort in his throat, followed by headaches, back pain, and eventually overall body aches accompanied by high fever. The most unbearable aspect for him was the throat pain, and he had a severe cough.

The epidemic in China is showing an upward trend again, with an increase in the number of deaths. Official figures indicate that the number of deaths from the epidemic issued by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in March is 8.67 times higher than in January, and in February, the death toll is approximately 7.33 times higher than in January. In addition, the positive rate for the CCP virus rose from 18.2% from March 4 to 10 to 21.1% from March 11 to 17. According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention figures, at least one out of every five patients seeking medical attention is infected with the virus. The number of severe cases reported in March was around 4.39 times that of January. However, the CCP consistently conceals the truth, making the actual numbers unknown to the public.

Zhang Yong (pseudonym) from Wuhan, Hubei, expressed to Epoch Times on April 8 that authorities are blocking information and not disclosing the true situation, stating, “Hospitals are full, and the cases of heart attacks, strokes are increasing and appearing among younger people. Many deaths are occurring, but the authorities don’t reveal how they died; no one speaks, all are considered normal deaths, even just a small part of it that is online has been blocked.”

A director of a hospital in China, Dr. Liu, disclosed to Epoch Times earlier that the number of admissions at his hospital had surged, with most patients having post-COVID complications. Many patients presented vomiting, diarrhea, and some who were healthy the day before, passed away the next day. Bodies were being carried out of the hospital at night, and no information could be retained.

Dr. Liu stated that the hospital had held several special meetings, with the hospital director instructing doctors not to acknowledge that patients were infected with the CCP virus, assigning responsibility to whoever acknowledged it. This is a nationwide action. All information must not be kept.

Why does the epidemic in China persist? How can people protect themselves in the face of the epidemic?

As early as the outbreak of the epidemic in March 2020, Master Li Hongzhi clearly pointed out in an article titled “Reasoning” that the current “CCP virus” (Wuhan pneumonia) is purposeful and targeted. It is here to eliminate members of the evil party and those who are closely associated with the CCP. Just look at the most severely affected countries currently, they are the ones closest to the evil party’s path, and the people are the same. What can be done? Stay away from the CCP, do not stand by the evil party, because behind it is a red devil, behaving like hooligans and committing all kinds of atrocities. God is starting to eliminate it, and those who stand with it will be eliminated. Wait and see if you don’t believe it.

In August last year, Master Li Hongzhi further elucidated that the main target of the COVID epidemic is the Communist Party, and those who blindly follow the CCP, defend the CCP, and work for the CCP; many people have died, including many young people.

In other words, only by distancing oneself from the CCP, leaving the CCP, the Communist Youth League, the Communist Party of China organizations that have been previously joined, and no longer standing for them, can individuals ensure their own safety.

Currently, on the Epoch Times’ Quit CCP website, the number of people publicly withdrawing from the Communist Party, Youth League, and Young Pioneers organizations has reached 428,977,009 people.