Wuhan Doctor Reinstated Two Months after Being Dismissed for Gambling, Soliciting Prostitution, and Receiving Kickbacks

Wuhan University People’s Hospital’s chief physician of pancreatic surgery and professor at Wuhan University, Dr. Tang Zhigang, who was dismissed two months ago after being reported by his ex-wife for long-term involvement in prostitution, gambling, and taking kickbacks, has been appointed as the chief of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery at the Sixth Hospital of Wuhan, sparking attention.

Recently, the official WeChat account of Wuhan Sixth Hospital (affiliated with Jianghan University Hospital) released a post announcing that Tang Zhigang had participated in a “big shot interview” at the hospital. The interview disclosed that Tang has been working at the hospital for over half a month in the position of chief of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery.

According to a report by Nandu newspaper, in the registration system of Wuhan Sixth Hospital, Tang Zhigang is listed under the hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery department with titles such as “chief physician,” “doctoral supervisor,” and “department head.” It also shows his membership in the provincial medical association’s surgery branch committee, provincial medical association’s digestive endoscopy branch committee, provincial academic and technical leader, provincial Health Commission young talent leader, National Natural Science Foundation evaluator, and Ministry of Science and Technology reviewer.

In a series of videos posted on her social media on December 6-8 last year, Tang Zhigang’s ex-wife, Ms. Huang, accused him of engaging in prostitution and maintaining mistresses, describing him as severely psychologically and sexually deviant, finding pleasure in playing, abusing, and harming women. She alleged that he disregarded surgeries the following day to gamble overnight, leading to multiple medical accidents, and accepted kickbacks from pharmaceutical merchants.

Following the uproar over this incident, on February 5 this year, Wuhan University People’s Hospital reported that based on the investigation results of higher-level disciplinary and supervisory agencies, Tang Zhigang was given a severe warning within the Party (impact period of 2 years) for violating clean discipline and lifestyle discipline. His position as deputy chief of the pancreatic surgery department was revoked, and his acting personnel relationship was terminated. Procedures were initiated to revoke his relevant professional technical positions and doctoral supervisor qualifications.

Just two months after being dismissed, Tang Zhigang was promoted from deputy chief of pancreatic surgery at Wuhan University People’s Hospital to chief of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery at the Sixth Hospital of Wuhan, attracting attention.

Ms. Huang told a reporter from Red Star News that she also learned about Tang Zhigang’s employment at Wuhan Sixth Hospital and found it “unbelievable.” She plans to bring her reporting materials to Jianghan University, Wuhan Health Commission, and other units to voice her concerns.

On the afternoon of April 15, a staff member of the Human Resources Department of Wuhan Sixth Hospital told the reporter that they have noticed the discussions and doubts online but stated that Tang Zhigang’s recruitment was compliant and followed regular procedures.

These developments have stirred up discussions on the internet, with comments such as “Wuhan’s medical system is too deep,” “It’s all interconnected and hard to handle. Otherwise, it will be like pulling out a radish along with the mud,” “The limelight has passed, and he’s back, dismissal is just a symbolic break,” and “He was promoted, so he must have been under investigation while holding the deputy position.” “How can a hospital not value medical ethics and still treat patients?”
