World must recognize that the CCP has no intention to respect any laws.

The world must recognize that the Chinese Communist Party has no intention of respecting any law. The Hudson Institute, a Washington-based think tank, held a seminar on Wednesday to discuss the harmful impact of China’s “Anti-Secession Law.” Former US Secretary of State and current Hudson Institute fellow Mike Pompeo delivered a speech at the event. Pompeo emphasized that the world must acknowledge the fact that the CCP has no intention of respecting any law, including its own laws. He stated, “This is a lawless behavior of this country, it is lawless behavior that does not respect basic human rights and dignity, it is lawless behavior in basic intellectual property rights, including the intellectual property of American companies and financial institutions.” He believes that the “Anti-Secession Law” is just another ploy and political propaganda used by China to pressure and potentially seize Taiwan.

The alliance between China and Russia poses a significant risk to the world. When asked about the current threat posed by the China-Russia alliance, Pompeo expressed his concerns, stating that the collaboration of two dictators is a tragedy, particularly for a mother in Ukraine. He highlighted that China is providing material support for Russia’s invasion of Europe, making the joint risk considerable. Strategic measures can be taken to weaken their capabilities, but it is important to recognize that much of the funding for Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine comes from China. China’s purchase of Russian energy, provision of military tools and commercial interests enable Putin to continue his attacks in Europe.

Increasingly, foreign visitors are choosing not to travel to China, but why? In 2019, nearly 98 million international tourists visited China. However, last year that number dropped to 35 million, less than 30% of the 2019 level. Huang Songshan, director of the Tourism Research Center at Edith Cowan University’s School of Business and Law in Australia, attributes this decline to the “changing global geopolitical landscape.” He referenced a 2023 Pew Research Center survey indicating that individuals in most Western countries hold unfavorable views towards China. Stricter social norms enforced by the Chinese government may make foreign tourists feel uncomfortable in China. Other travel obstacles include restrictions on using local Chinese apps for payment and transportation in certain regions, even street vendors no longer accepting cash payments or card transactions.

After 1949, the new descendants of the Eight Banners: Three generations of tax officials, three generations of oil workers, three generations of railway workers, three generations of tobacco workers, three generations of power suppliers, three generations of salespeople, three generations of communication workers, and three generations of bankers. – Online user

Is this fabricated? To those who dreamt of the Cultural Revolution’s “equality” and “happiness,” take a look at the letter Li Qinglin wrote to teachers at the time. “Barely enough food to eat… no income from labor… not even a penny to see a doctor.” Some individuals “used connections, took the back door, and were prioritized for employment, enrollment, and promotions.” The teachers replied, “Send 300 yuan, to ease the difficult situation.” Instances like these were widespread nationwide and needed to be addressed collectively. Is this fabricated? – Yan Feng