Why do Chinese internet users most hope that the United States possess nuclear weapons?

In a recent poll initiated by Chinese netizens, the topic and results were quite intriguing. The theme was to choose, among China, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, which country netizens would prefer to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons. The results revealed that Russia received the fewest votes with only 82, followed by the UK with 442 votes. Surprisingly, China won with 921 votes over the UK, while the US left China far behind with 4900 votes.

Both the UK and the US are established capitalist countries, so one would expect the vote counts to be relatively close. However, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China, surprisingly allied with, garnered ten times more votes than Russia. This may indicate the influence of zealous nationalist elements. Yet, the overwhelming victory of the US over China in the final count suggests that even the most fervent supporters of the Chinese regime do not wield as much power as believed. The dwindling number of supporters may reflect the worsening Chinese economy and the weakening of the regime.

The fact that the US emerged victorious over China in this scenario has left commentators pondering, “Why is that?” Indeed, how can it be explained? Despite China’s extensive efforts in patriotic propaganda, their sudden loss to the US is perplexing. Despite relentless attempts to smear the US, the Chinese people ultimately acknowledged the US as their preferred ally. It seems adversity breeds talent, and chaotic times reveal true leaders. The Chinese regime’s continuous fabrication of lies and chaos may have lost its effectiveness in confusing the public. Gradually, the true face of the Chinese regime is being recognized by an increasing number of Chinese citizens.

The preference for the US to possess nuclear weapons among Chinese people is not surprising, considering recent events. A significant turning point could be traced back to 2018 when Chinese children were harmed by fake vaccines. The heartless handling of the situation by the Chinese authorities, including suppression of information and scapegoating, appalled and angered many Chinese citizens. They turned to the US Embassy’s website to voice their grievances and surprisingly requested “the demise of the country.” Many pleaded, “You helped Syrian children against the Bashar al-Assad regime. Why do you turn a blind eye to the millions of poisoned Chinese children? Where’s the Tomahawk missile?” “US, stay firm against garbage nations,” “Please increase trade penalties on China,” “American imperialism, don’t perish our hopes,” “We truly need your justice!”

In 2022, a banking crisis in a town in Henan Province left depositors unable to withdraw money for three months. Their protests were met with violent suppression. Once again, cries for help emerged on the US Embassy’s official Weibo account – “China urgently needs your intervention,” “Can American journalists go to the Henan bank to cover the situation and help the depositors? Our media has lost its voice,” “Please extradite the main culprits of the Henan banking collapse,” “Save the Henan depositors”…

In February 2024, the US Embassy’s Weibo became a wall of sorrow for Chinese A-share stock investors. Those who lost everything in the stock market meltdown begged for salvation – “US, please rescue the billions of A-share investors in dire straits,” “Our country’s investors are in shambles, can we seek asylum in your territory?” “I now acknowledge you as the beacon, please illuminate more places and rescue war refugees, financial refugees,” “Rescue the people under dictatorships worldwide,” “This earth needs you! Desperately.”

“We need the US,” many affluent Chinese, including high-ranking officials in the Communist Party who have sent their loved ones and wealth to the US, have already expressed this sentiment through their actions. They firmly believe that the US can safeguard their lives and assets without limits, hence their choice.

Given their reliance on the US for security, how can anyone oppose the US having nuclear weapons? Some may argue that attracting talent and capital inflows also benefit the US. This is true. However, the US is unlikely to prioritize self-interest at the expense of legal, orderly, and humanitarian principles.

Regarding American humanitarian efforts, many are unaware. The online article “The Rise of America is the Greatest Achievement in Modern Times” points out the following:

During WWII, the US “ended Nazi and Japanese militarism,” turning the tide as part of the battle against the “Axis of Evil” comprising Germany, Japan, and Italy. The US lost 410,000 soldiers and had over a million wounded.

In the Cold War era, the US-led NATO’s main mission was to resist the Warsaw Pact led by the Soviet Union. The US made significant sacrifices, losing nearly 100,000 soldiers solely in combating communist forces in North Korea and North Vietnam.

Post-Cold War, the US engaged in military actions to combat terror regimes that massacred their own people. From humanitarian assistance in Somalia, military intervention in Haiti (restoring the elected President Aristide), apprehending Panamanian dictator Noriega, ending Serbian massacres in Bosnia (leading to Bosnian independence), preventing ethnic cleansing in Kosovo (achieving freedom for its Muslim-majority population), intervening in Indonesian military massacres in East Timor (leading to its independence), two wars with Iraq (freeing Kuwait from Iraqi occupation and ending Saddam’s regime), toppling the Taliban regime in Afghanistan (freeing the people from medieval repression of destroying ancient Buddha statues), these interventions show two things – first, US military actions aim to welcome new governments and are not about occupation or exploitation, and second, all US interventions were welcomed by the people and new governments of those countries.

Today, the US is also welcomed by a growing number of Chinese citizens. Having learned that the US upholds the fundamentals of “government must be lawful,” empowers citizens to bear arms for freedom, and sees removing tyranny as a duty, how could the Chinese not view the US as a stronghold? Hoping for a powerful nuclear-armed ally to deter a regime that has long oppressed, exploited, and even killed its citizens is not only natural but necessary. With the US being the preferred choice, the next logical step is to eliminate the Chinese Communist regime.