Who is Archangel Saint Michael? Former US President Trump Prays to Him

Former President Donald Trump’s traditional prayer to St. Michael the Archangel on September 29 has sparked widespread reactions. St. Michael the Archangel, who is mentioned in the Bible, holds a special significance in the Christian faith.

September 29 is celebrated by Catholics around the world as the Feast of St. Michael, originally known as Michaelmas. Trump’s post on social media came on September 8, following his celebrations for the birth of the Virgin Mary.

The post by Trump has been read by over 30 million people, indicating a significant impact. Even though the former president is not a Catholic, his post has been warmly received by many. Father Gerald Murray, a Catholic priest, mentioned to the English Epoch Times that Trump’s post is “very popular” and expressed his wishes for God’s blessings for both Trump and the country.

According to information from the website of the St. Michael’s Abbey in Southern California, devotion to St. Michael in Christianity can be traced back to the 5th century. Michaelmas was a popular holiday in the medieval period, indicating the enduring significance of St. Michael in Christian traditions.

In Christian theology, St. Michael is portrayed as the angel who cast out the devil from heaven according to the Book of Revelation. This belief is rooted in a passage from the final book of the Bible, Revelation 12:7-9, where a war in heaven is described, with Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon.

The prayer shared by Trump dates back to an experience of Pope Leo XIII in 1884. The Pope, during Mass, reportedly had a vision and overheard a conversation between God and the devil regarding the fate of the Church. This led to the formulation of the prayer to St. Michael, which was to be recited after Catholic mass until the practice was discontinued in 1965.

St. Michael is revered as the patron saint of warriors, police officers, and firefighters. He is also the patron saint of several countries, including Portugal, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine. In France, there is a monastery on St. Michael’s Mount, commemorating the three apparitions of the archangel to a bishop in 708 AD.

St. Michael continues to hold a special place in the hearts of believers, symbolizing protection and courage in the face of evil. His depiction with one foot on the devil’s neck, holding a sword of justice and scales for weighing souls, embodies the eternal battle between good and evil in Christian tradition.

(Information sourced from the English Epoch Times)