White House Strongly Condemns Ongoing “Anti-Jewish” Unrest at Columbia University.

The White House on Sunday (April 21) issued strong condemnation of the “violence and intimidation against Jewish students,” as protests against Israel continue on U.S. college campuses, including the latest demonstration at Columbia University in New York City.

President Biden stated in a statement on Sunday: “Silence is complicity. Even in recent days, we have seen harassment and violence against Jews. This blatant anti-Semitism should be condemned and is dangerous – it has no place on college campuses or anywhere in our country.”

“I am steadfast in my commitment to the security of the Jewish people, the security of Israel, and the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state,” added Biden.

Biden’s statement came a day before the Jewish Passover. Shortly before the statement was released, there were reports on Sunday that a rabbi connected to Columbia University had sent a message to 300 Jewish students, urging them to leave campus, go home, and stay indoors before Passover began to ensure their safety.

Last week, dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators illegally erected tents on the Columbia campus, with University President Minouche Shafik later authorizing the New York City police to assist in dismantling the tents. Over a hundred students who refused to comply were arrested, but protests at Columbia continued.

According to the university administration, disciplinary actions, including suspension, have been taken against all students participating in the protests, including Isra Hirsi, daughter of Minnesota Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

Just hours before the statement, the White House also issued its own condemnation of the violence and “intimidation against Jewish students and the Jewish community” on the Columbia campus.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said in the statement: “Echoing the rhetoric of terrorist organizations, especially in the wake of the most severe massacre committed against Jews since the Nazi Holocaust, is despicable. We strongly condemn these statements.”