What are the etiquette skills that office workers most desire to learn?

Confucius once said: “Without learning etiquette, one cannot stand.” Etiquette is an indispensable part of daily life, and paying attention to its usage is also the foundation for interpersonal relationships, especially in the workplace. One of the most popular skills that employees want to learn in the workplace is quite simple: effective communication.

To successfully develop in a new position and embark on a successful career, there is much more to be done than what is written in resumes or performed in interviews. Working in a company or organization means cooperating with others, as well as understanding workplace etiquette: the unspoken rules that facilitate interpersonal interactions. This understanding will impact the quality of our collaboration with others.

According to internal data, communication and etiquette themes are among the most common courses in the TalentLibrary of the software learning company Epignosis.

CNBC reported that Christina Gialleli, Director of Human Operations at Epignosis, mentioned that in today’s society with a mixed work environment of various email and messaging platforms, where a workplace may consist of up to five generations, it is no surprise that people want to improve their communication skills.

She said the need for learning is “to adapt to the changes in the workplace.”

Some top soft skills that people learn in the workplace include:

– Email etiquette
– Communication under pressure
– Effective problem-solving
– 7 critical thinking skills
– Time management

Dealing with emails can bring significant pressure to the workplace. A survey conducted by the language learning platform Babbel on 2,000 American office workers showed that 60% of them feel that the increasing number of emails they receive at work adds to their daily work stress.

Gialleli mentioned that their company’s “Email Etiquette” course covers how to communicate effectively by ensuring that emails clearly express the topics, action items, and follow-up steps you want to cover.

She suggested using the GROW framework:

– Goal: What goal do I want to achieve through this message or reply?
– Reality: Does this message reflect the reality of what is happening?
– Options: Does this message provide the recipient with options to move forward?
– What will we do: Does this message specify the actions we will take next?

Furthermore, effective communication language is essential. Generally, it’s best to reread before clicking send on an email. Every time. Many misunderstandings and confusion may arise from a single email, unintentional offense can be caused. Try to avoid saying something in an email that you wouldn’t say directly to someone’s face.

Rereading an email can help identify spelling errors or typos, which can have a negative impact. While reading, pay attention to the tone used.

Email etiquette is one of the essential skills in the workplace. By following correct etiquette and techniques, you can improve communication efficiency and quality, enhancing workplace competitiveness.

Overall, Gialleli mentioned that companies can help new employees learn workplace communication rules and etiquette, including reaching out to senior executives and colleagues, by providing guidance early on.

She said, “Building bonds and opening communication channels through onboarding can help teams understand how to work with people from different backgrounds and qualifications.”

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