“Wang Xiaohong and Zhang Youxia speak out to support Xi Jinping and debunk rumors, political situation is confusing”

Amid swirling rumors of trouble for the Chinese Communist Party leader, Xi Jinping, recent articles from Wang Xiaohong, Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Secretariat and Minister of Public Security, and Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the CPC, publicly expressed support for Xi Jinping. This move has been widely interpreted as a show of loyalty to Xi Jinping. However, political analysts point out that this action is merely a deliberate arrangement within the CPC to maintain political stability and the party’s image. Legal experts also note that the lack of transparency in the CCP’s authoritarian system has created fertile ground for various rumors to spread.

In recent days, unconfirmed reports have surfaced alleging that Zhang Youxia and Wang Xiaohong have joined forces to force Xi Jinping to relinquish power. It is rumored that Wang Xiaohong may replace the current member of the Politburo Standing Committee, Cai Qi, as the director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee. Additionally, there are speculations that Zhang Youxia has taken control of Xi Jinping, and Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, will assume the role of General Secretary and President of the CPC, while Zhang Youxia will become Chairman of the Central Military Commission.

Amidst these rumors, Wang Xiaohong and Zhang Youxia have both published articles in the CCP’s official media openly expressing their support for Xi Jinping.

On August 8, the CCP’s official mouthpiece, People’s Daily, published an article by Wang Xiaohong titled “Advancing the Modernization of the National Security System and Capability.” The article, approximately five thousand words long, mentioned Xi Jinping’s name four times. The beginning of the article emphasized slogans pledging loyalty to Xi Jinping such as the “Two Establishes,” “Four Consciousnesses,” “Four Confidences,” and the “Two Safeguards.”

Wang Xiaohong is considered one of Xi Jinping’s key confidants, but in previous public speeches, he had notably avoided mentioning Xi Jinping. Following the conclusion of the 20th Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party, various institutions have expressed support for the spirit of the plenary session and rallied behind Xi Jinping. However, during a research trip on police reform in Guizhou from July 22 to 24, Wang Xiaohong’s name was not mentioned in the Xinhua News Agency’s press release, raising widespread speculation and scrutiny. Normally, Wang Xiaohong would have emphasized Xi Jinping’s instructions or narratives in similar situations. This time, his mention of Xi Jinping in the article seems to indicate a certain reversal of the situation.

On August 9, People’s Daily published an article titled “Continuously Deepening National Defense and Military Reform,” authored by Zhang Youxia, the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the CPC. The article mentioned “Xi Jinping” three times and “Chairman Xi” 23 times, emphasizing following Xi Jinping’s strong military thinking and the need to thoroughly understand his determination. These expressions were interpreted by observers as Zhang Youxia publicly pledging loyalty to Xi Jinping. This article was also republished by prominent CCP official media platforms such as Xinhua Net and Qiushi Net.

Overseas political analyst Chen Pokong noted that the decision to release these two articles in the CCP’s official media amidst rumors surrounding Xi Jinping did not effectively dispel external doubts or address any substantial issues.

Chen Pokong further stated that the articles by Wang Xiaohong and Zhang Youxia were released against the backdrop of widespread rumors of them plotting a coup or taking actions unfavorable to Xi Jinping. However, despite the publication of these articles for several days, rumors about Xi Jinping’s status have intensified. He remarked, “Therefore, these articles have not clarified the situation. Ultimately, it will depend on Xi Jinping’s actual condition, whether he will appear in time and in what form.”

Since the convening of the 20th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in July, rumors regarding Xi Jinping’s health have been ongoing. From earlier health issues to rumors of Zhang Youxia instigating a military coup, and to reports of Xi Jinping being revived after an incident and undergoing a liver transplant, in the past month and a half, various rumors about Xi Jinping’s situation have been rampant.

Chinese liberal legal scholar Yuan Hongbing, residing in Australia, believes that Wang Xiaohong, as a close confidant of Xi Jinping, has not changed his public loyalty to Xi Jinping. Similarly, Zhang Youxia has always been one of Xi Jinping’s main supporters within the military apparatus and a significant pillar of Xi Jinping’s control over the military. Yuan Hongbing told Epoch Times reporters that the various rumors about Xi Jinping primarily stem from the lack of transparency in the CCP’s authoritarian system, providing fertile ground for speculation and rumors to flourish.

Yuan Hongbing further indicated that these rumors could have a detrimental impact by obscuring the true political logic under the CCP’s tyranny, making it difficult for the international community to accurately discern the actual direction of the CCP.