US Simplifies Political Asylum Process to Expedite Deportation of Criminals and National Security Threats.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the United States announced on Thursday a proposed rule to streamline the political asylum process, allowing for the expedited removal of immigrants with criminal backgrounds and threats to national security.

The Biden administration’s new asylum reform, announced on Thursday, aims to more quickly reject certain asylum seekers who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border if they have criminal histories and pose national security concerns. This is the latest effort by the Biden administration to reduce the number of individuals crossing the southern border.

In a press release, DHS stated that federal law prohibits providing asylum and temporary deportation deferrals to individuals who pose national security or public safety risks, particularly those convicted of serious crimes, involved in persecuting others, are inadmissible for reasons of national security or terrorism, or are deemed to pose a threat to U.S. security.

“While anyone deemed to pose a threat to public safety will be detained, the determination of asylum eligibility currently can only be made late in the process — at the stage of asylum case adjudication and deferred action applications,” the statement said.

“The proposed rule announced today would allow asylum officers to consider asylum bars and temporary deportation during the initial credible fear screening, which will take place a few days after the individual’s interview,” the statement continued. “This will enable DHS to more quickly expeditiously remove individuals who pose a threat to the United States and better safeguard our border and national security.”

The proposed regulations would permit immigration officials to reject asylum applications from individuals convicted of serious crimes related to terrorism, or facing other dangerous charges that pose a risk to public safety.

DHS indicated that immigration officials could complete this process within days, significantly reducing the time compared to potentially taking years as in the past. This would allow for swift removal of applicants from the country.

According to DHS, the scope of this measure will be very limited and may apply to several thousand asylum applications annually.

A DHS official cited by Reuters stated, “We feel that this rule won’t apply to many people, but it will apply to the people we are most concerned about.”

Between October 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024, over 1 million foreign immigrants crossed the southern border and were apprehended and processed. The number of individuals who may face deportation accounts for a very small fraction of those who crossed the border.

The proposed regulation will be open for public comment starting next Monday (the 13th) for a period of 30 days. DHS officials informed Reuters that the Biden administration aims to finalize the legislation this year.

This latest measure comes after the restrictive asylum regulations issued by Biden in 2023.

Biden, a Democratic candidate, will seek re-election in the November 5th elections. Since taking office in 2021, the number of immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has reached record highs.

Biden’s Republican challenger, former President Donald Trump, criticized Biden for overturning the previously more restrictive policies.